I'm Home (part 4) (final)

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**This is the end of the I'm Home story, I just wanted to finish it off all squishy and cute so here**

The Doctor couldn't breathe as he took the slowest steps towards the bed. He hugged Clara without saying anything. Silent sobs escaped as he pressed her to his body.

"Doctor," Clara whispered feebly. "I can't breathe..."

The Doctor mumbled an apology. After a few minutes of just sitting with her, Clara said in a shaky voice, "Doctor, I died."

"I know Clara. But you're alive now. I saved you. And I am so sorry because this is all my fault."

Clara leaned her head into his neck. "I don't think..."

"But it is," the Doctor insisted. "If I never argued with you or pushed you, you wouldn't have left and been hit."

Clara's eyes filled with tears. "Doctor, please. I just want to stay with you."

"You can." The Doctor nodded and placed a tender kiss on Clara's forehead. "You always can."


A week and a half later, the TARDIS doors creaked open and Clara and the Doctor walked in, former supported lightly by the latter. After recovery in the hospital, Clara chose to go back to the TARDIS with the Doctor. She was still a little weak after her run-in with death, but had regained most of her strength with the help of the Doctor.

"Here, come sit down. I've got something for you." The Doctor walked Clara over to the large seat next to the console. When Clara was comfortable, the Doctor pulled out a book that his impossible girl hadn't seen in a long time.

101 places to see

Clara gasped. "I thought I had lost it!"

"I know," the Doctor said, a smile growing across his face. "I knew you'd be happy."

Clara nodded and opened the book. As she looked over the pages, the Doctor watched. "Wherever you want, I'll take you."

Clara was about to say a thank you when she turned the page to find the precious leaf tucked between the pages. She smiled and held it up. "Where did you find the book?"

"Somewhere in one of the hallways quite far from here, if I remember correctly. Why?"

Clara shook her head. "I don't know, it's just... You went all over and found it for me." She brushed over the leaf gently.

"Of course," the Doctor answered. "I knew you had lost it." He didn't say a word, only watched Clara stroke the leaf with a finger and stare at the pages of her book. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Clara, when the accident happened, I saw them take you away, and I was so scared." Tears pooled around the bottom of his eyes. "And I realized that I'd never been so wrong as to let you go. Can you forgive me?"

"Doctor," Clara said shakily. "Of course I do." She set the book to the side and, still clutching the leaf, wrapped her arms around the Doctor. He pulled her up and let the tears spill out, rolling down the impossible girl's silky, brown hair.

"My Clara," he whispered.

"I know now," Clara said.

"Know what?"

"I'm where I belong." Clara smiled. "I'm home."


**There! All done! Happy endings all around! (I needed one after the Once Upon a Time winter finale... FEELS) so now it's back to single chapter one shots unless I get a story too big. I am planning a couple major feels stories though so just prepare yourself. You never know when they'll pop up. I hope you liked!**

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