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- a little wallpaper that I made of Leo🥺💕.. please excuse any mistakes and enjoy!

Leo's POV
My friends decided that it would be a good idea to bring me out to a club. They said I need to let loose and have fun once in a while. I was always filming and doing work and never had any time for myself, so I guess I really did need this. My friends were off somewhere probably messing around with some girls. I decided to just go off to the bar to get a drink.

I went to the bar and I spotted this girl who seemed to have come to the club alone. So I decided to go over there and make conversation with her.

"Hi, I'm Leonardo but you can call me Leo. I saw you from where I was and I thought that you could use some company."

"Hi Leo and umm yeah, my friends kind of ditched me. So now I'm here."

"Same here my friends left me to go get girls or something. I don't know what they do." Now, I'm kinda glad that they left. Cause if they didn't, then I wouldn't be talking to this beautiful girl right now.

"You're very beautiful by the way."

"Well thank you," she said as she pushed her hair behind her ear. She had on a skin tight red dress with some nude heels. It made her curves pop out and she looked absolutely stunning.

"What's your name by the way?"

"It's y/n."

"Beautiful name. How about I get us a few drinks," I tell her as the bar tender comes up to us. I ordered us some shots and we drank them all really quickly. A couple drinks later and we were both drunk.

"Come dance with me Leo," she slurred as she dragged me to the dance floor. She looked so good right now. I just wanted to any and everything to her. She brought me to the dance floor and Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado came on and she lost her mind.

"This is my song!" She grabbed me by my arms and started dancing crazily. Then she let go of my and she was dancing by her self. Then I grabbed her and put my arms around her waist. Then she started grinding up against me.

She was driving me crazy. I want her, all of her.


It was 2 am and the club was starting to close. I was sobered up and y/n was kinda tipsy but she was fine.

"How about I take you back to my place."

"You think you're gonna hit or something?"

"No that's not what I was thinking at all. I just wanna make sure your safe that's all."

"What about my friends?"

"They'll be fine. They weren't really worried about you when they left you all alone in a crowded club by yourself."

"Yeah I guess your right. Well, let's go then."

I grabbed her my her hand and let her to my car. I opened the door for her and she got in. I went around the car and I got in the drivers seat. Then I started the car and started my way to my house.

When I pulled up to the house, I looked over at y/n and I saw her with her mouth wide open.

"Woah! This place is huge! Are you, like, a celebrity or something?"

"Well if you want me to be honest, then yeah. I'm a famous actor. I was surprised when you didn't ask me who I was when I introduced myself at the bar."

"You're a famous actor?! What movies have you been in?"

"I played Jack in Titanic."

"That was you! Wow. I can't believe I didn't recognize you."

"I'm kinda glad you didn't. I didn't want to feel like you were using me or anything."

"I would never do anything like that to anyone. At the end of the day, you're still a human being." She was so down to earth and I loved it. It was like she understood where I was coming from.

"Well let's go inside and get settled down." I got out of the car and went around and opened the door for y/n.

"Wow, such a gentlemen," she said as she giggled.

"Ha, I try to me," I say as I close the car door. I walk up to the door of the house and I opened the door.

"Wow, it's nice in here," she said as she looked around.

"Thank you," I tell her and I guide her to my bedroom. "You can wear one of t-shirts since you don't have any clothes, the bathroom and over there and you can sleep in my bed.

"Where are you gonna sleep," she asked me.

"I'll just take the couch," I say as I started to make my way out of my bedroom.

"Wait! I feel like you should sleep in your own bed and I'll take the couch." Then she started making her way out of the room.

"How about we just both stay up and get to know each other," I say to her.

"Well, okay," she said as she followed me into the living room. We spent the rest of the night getting to know each other and I found out the she was one year younger than me, making her 23. I also found out that she lives alone and she wants to become an actress. When I tell y'all, I fell in love with her right then and there.

She was everything I could ever ask for in a woman. We liked some of the same things and she was such a cool person. Her vibe was something that I couldn't even describe.

"Hey want to watch a movie?" I ask her.

"Sure. What do you wanna watch?"

"Titanic of course." I went to grab the Titanic dvd from my collection of other movies and I put it into the dvd player.


Halfway through the movie, I heard small snores. I looked down to see y/n sleeping on my shoulder. I paused the movie and I gently picked her up and brought her to my room. I placed her in my bed and pulled the covers over her. Then I went back to the living room, finished watching the movie and drifted off to sleep.

-I really enjoyed writing this imagine! Hope y'all are out there staying safe. Stay home and wash your hands!!

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