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-hope you guys are staying safe! Please excuse any mistakes and enjoy:)

Leo's POV
Okay, so currently I'm trying to convince y/n to give me a chance and let me be her boyfriend. She recently just went through a bad breakup and I was there every step of the way. I understand that she doesn't wanna get hurt again but I would never do anything to hurt her on any kind of way.

"We could be each other's paradise," I tell her as we walk around the park together.

"Leo, you're so cute but I already told you, I'm not ready to be in another relationship."

"But I can show what it feels like to love again. I'm not like anyone else and you out of all people should know that. I would give you the world if you would just give me a chance," I tell her as I get in front of her to stop her from walking.

"Yeah, okay Leo," she said as she walked around me. One thing about her is that she likes to play hard to get. She knows what she's doing too. We both had crushes on each other when we were younger and I know her feelings for me never went away. Don't ask me how I know that either.

"Y/n, stop playing hard to get. For once in your life, you should just put you're pride to the side and just give me a chance," I tell her as I try to catch up to her. She stops in her tracks and turns around to face me.

"Leo please give me one reason as to why I should give you a chance!" She seems really mad but she really doesn't have a reason to be. She knows that her feelings for me never went away and she keeps trying to ignore it.

"Because y/n! You know that you're feelings for me never went away and you know damn well mine didn't either! You keep trying to push me away because you think every guy will treat you the same. But you're too stuck up to see that." She looked at me in shock. I would never say anything like that but she needed to hear it.

"I'm not gonna force you to be with me if that's not what you want. But at least I can say that I tried." I turned away from her and began to walk away from her. I take a look back her once more before I turn the corner.

I had to get my thoughts straightened out. She might not even talk to me anymore after that because of her pride, but hey, I can't make her talk to me. If she doesn't wanna see me ever again, then she won't.

-I don't really like this one but it's something, lol. I also might make a part two to this. Hope you enjoyed this imagine and don't forget to vote!

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