Chapter 4: A Reflection in Pink

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Chapter 4: A Reflection in Pink

"Tsk tsk, what do we have here, boys?" the very familiar voice of Sirius Black bellowed.

"Looks like a couple of lovebirds!" another voice chimed in.

"O - o - or a c - couple of book n - n - nerds!" a nasally voice attempted.

"Er, yeah."

Valeria and Remus jumped apart, though they weren't very close to begin with.

"L - lovebirds!" Valeria sputtered, trying to maintain control.

When she found Remus staring at her, along with the other three boys, she knew she had failed.

"Y - your hair!" the boy with glasses stuttered. "It's pink!"

"Yeah, James, metamorphaguses do that," Camille said, walking up behind them.

"You never told us that she was a metamorphagus!" Sirius exclaimed.

Valeria's hair grew an even lighter shade of pink and her eyes looked like cotton candy. Her eyes snapped shut and she shook her head furiously, causing her hair to turn it's normal dull brown. When she opened her eyes, they were back to being a simple, cloudy blue. It had been a long time since her metamorphagus abilities acted up like that. She usually kept them under strict control. If truth be told, her less-than-lady-like behavior (sitting cross-legged in a skirt, running around in the mud, wiping her hands on her pants - normal 11-year-old behavior) wasn't the only thing she was teased for at Beauxbatons. Images of being pointed at and laughed at for abnormally green hair or a duck bill for a nose flashed through her mind. Memories of others' feet finding their way under her own in the halls. The nightmare of waking up with an inked-on mustache only to be scolded by the teachers, or being shunned for something she couldn't help.

Valeria's mother, Aria, was ecstatic when she found out her daughter was a metamorphagus and so was Valeria, at first. After attending Beauxbatons, Valeria cut herself off from others. She had always had a difficult time controlling her metamorphagus powers. When the girls teased her, it made it worse. So, during that first year, Valeria devoted time to concealing those abilities. When Aria asked why, Valeria lied and said that she was just practicing control.

She hasn't used them purposefully since.

Camille was the only one that knew about Valeria's mixed emotions concerning her abilities - not even Percy had a clue. So, when the Marauders continued to stare at her, Camille grabbed Valeria's hand, practically dragging her to the Great Hall.

"Oi! Where are you going?" Sirius's voice echoed, just as the portrait door swung shut.

Valeria cast her eyes downward, embarrassed, "Thanks."

"Are you okay?"

Valeria nodded, sighing, "It's been a long time since I've lost control like that. They all stared at me, Cam. Like I was some kind of freak - "

"You're not a freak, Val. You're just different," Camille said with a smile.

"Well, being different sucks," Valeria mumbled, walking off, not waiting for Camille.

Camille sighed, watching her go, and mumbled under her breath, "At least you aren't like your dad."

As soon as she muttered it, she felt guilty because, just as she did, Remus walked up behind her, tapping her on the shoulder. She didn't see him at first, though. She saw his scars.

"Is she okay?" Remus wondered.

"Yeah, she's fine," Camille said, the reality of Remus's scars weighing on her.

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