Chapter 3: Birds of a Feather Flock Together

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Chapter 3: Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Valeria enjoyed the start of term feast in the Great Hall, but she couldn't help herself for being curious about the rest of the castle. Surely a castle as elegant and old as this would have many secrets, and Valeria was beyond curious to find out what they might be. Albus Dumbledore granted her wish by giving a small speech and allowing the Head Boy and Head Girl to lead the students to their houses, giving the first years insight on how the houses worked. Valeria's eyes widened the moment she saw the plethora of moving staircases. Listening only half-heartedly to the heads of Gryffindor house, Valeria continued to look around her, taking in the surroundings. The paintings on the walls were amusing, but it was when the crowd of Gryffindors stopped that she noticed the large painting directly in front of them.

It was a portrait of a fat lady. The Fat Lady, to be exact.

"And this is where the entrance to our common room and dorms is located. The password is subject to change occasionally, so if you have trouble getting in, just talk to one of us or one of the prefects. If worse comes to worse, you can speak to our head of house, Professor McGonagall," the head boy informed.

"Now, the password is Fortuna Major, don't forget it! The Fat Lady won't let you in without a password!" the head girl confirmed.

Meanwhile, the Fat Lady had taken it upon herself to start singing. If it could be called that. Valeria thought the noise coming from the portrait resembled that of a dying whale, so she wasn't sure what to make of it. Leaning towards Camille, Valeria asked, "What is she doing?"

"Singing," Camille replied exasperatedly, as though she had witnessed this before.

"What a lovely voice," Valeria mumbled sarcastically.

Camille snorted.

"Fat Lady! We need to get into the common room!" the head boy announced.

She continued to "sing."

"Oi! Come on and let us in!" he tried again.

"Fortuna Major!" the head girl tried, though the Fat Lady continued to ignore her.

Just then, someone butted their way through the crowd, tripping first years as he went. Valeria noticed with a start that the guy was the same guy she met on the train: Sirius Black.

"Fat Lady, darling, could you please let us in? Your singing is marvelous, really, and as much as I'd love to hear you sing all night, I'd like to go to sleep!" he yelled.

Stopping suddenly in the middle of an off-pitch high note, she scolded, "I'm not a fool, Black. I recall that in your first year you referred to me as 'the dying whale.'"

Valeria and Camille had to use all of their willpower not to laugh.

"Yes, but I was so wrong back then. I've matured - " - various snickers were heard throughout the Gryffindor crowd - "and have realized what a beautiful voice you have," Sirius explained, the corners of his mouth trying their hardest to tilt upward, against his will.

"I'll believe you've matured when you stop hexing Slytherins," the Fat Lady said.

Black grumbled something incoherent and backed away from the portrait.

"Fortuna Major!" the head girl piped up.

"Yes, yes, you may go in," the Fat Lady mumbled, allowing her portrait to swing open and reveal an entrance way.

Valeria took quck steps into the common room, anxious to see what it looked like. A fire glowed warmly, bringing out the brilliant scarlet couches and gold-colored accents. Valeria realized, at that moment, that the boldness of Gryffindor's colors could easily become comforting. She was glad to be a lion. Most of the Gryffindors detached themselves from the group, finding their own thing to do. The first years, plus Valeria and Camille, were still huddled in a group. The head boy and head girl took this as a good opportunity to explain house rules.

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