That evening I sat on the edge of my bed leaning over the glass table at the end where my black Toshiba laptop sat neatly, piles of magazines, lipgloss lids and bottles of Diet Coke was on there too, a dirty stain where I had done my makeup the previous day and used my webcam as a mirror since I was talking to Rebecca first thing in the morning on Skype, I thought to myself why not?
I quickly realised I got too distracted and forgot mascara, not a big issue to most people, but I have thin eyelashes and I wear heavy eyeliner and without it they stand out, a chocolate wispy brown coat filled with golden chunks in the centre. My phone beeped, well it's more of a screeching tone, but never less I had a message I reached to my left where my plug socket was and my phone was plugged inside on a twisty white wire. 'Hiya! Xx' it read. It was Samuel from college, I never added him on Facebook though? I quickly typed a message. You're probably wondering why didn't I use my laptop? Well, it's shitensiza! It doesn't load like usually computers, the screen isn't broken, the keyboards great and the mouse is quick it's the hard drive oh and I broke the lead so if you move a, literally cough or sneeze or fart and shake it goes off, your entire work, message or game has completely vanished and disappeared. You could try and load it back up, but that takes 10-15 minutes, not mentioning the login screen another five minutes wasted, then you're on the home screen of your laptop, my background was a simple picture of me. I'm totally kidding that's so vein, I never did understand them people who have theirselves as their background image on their phone or laptop, but mine was eyes, a nose and two black whiskers on either side.
Loading Google up would be a mistake. It comes up with "Page not reasoning." Every time and you can try and click the red X but turn it will say your entire windows, the base programme for YOUR computer isn't responding and then you go through this bullsperm process of restarting the laptop and starting from scratch, so it's best to use my phone for socialising.
"Hope u don't mind me adding u :P xx" he typed back swiftly and short however it was in horrid slang.
"No it's absolutely fine, how are you? X" I carried on loading my laptop up, finally it loaded and I clicked on the green diamond icon and my sims page came on my screen and then I had to wait for that to load up.
We chatted for some while when I had another message.
"Hi!!!XD" This time it was Douglas, I accidentally clicked on his name and it took me to his profile it said he was in a relationship with Hayley, she's in our class and has long brown mousy hair. I thought that was sweet I then clicked back and continued speaking to the pair of them.
"Whats ur top 5?! Xxx" he brought the 'kisses' up to three this time, he was very flirtatious but at a friend level. I thought about his question, I haven't been asked since I was in school. Wait that was 5 months ago... So I answered.
"I don't really have one at the moment, not gotten to know the class, but I guess it would be..
1. Tyler.
2. You?
3. Brendan.
4. Travis.
5. Kieran.
I have no idea? I think you're all great:" I felt my cheeks flush pink. What have I done? I didn't like any in the way he was saying, I had just come out of a relationship with a guy named Jacob not so long ago. A sweet boy with a lively attitude, sharp brown hair, deep brown eyes and a great smile. I wasn't looking into rushing into anything with anyone soon."I know someone who likes u. Xx" The kisses had gone back to the original number, I griped my teeth together and typed my words very carefully.
"Really? Who?! :-)" I wasn't interested, but I had to set things correctly and know where they stand with me. I'm not looking for a romance ending.
"Guess!! Cx" He placed an error which made me chuckle to myself, we played the guessing game for a good twenty minutes. I had through all the boys in the class, eager to find out who. I still got it wrong each time.
"You? ._." I say and bite my tongue. I really didn't want any tension in the conversation.
"Nooo guess again xx" I sighed in relief and for the life of me I couldn't think whatsoever just then I had another message.
"Hey:P" It was Tyler and that was then it clicked into place. I ignored him and replied back to Sam, hoping I was correct not in the love at first message way, but I quite like to be correct. I do not however liked being corrected, I can tolerate it though.
"TYLER!?!" I'm not sure why I put it in capitals, but I waited this time the seconds seemed longer. I had to be correct, I usually am.
"Yes!!! He thinks you're funny!!!" Funny? Funny?! I thought to myself about every teen girl movie I have seen. 'Boys don't like funny girls' was repeating in my mind.
"Aw that's cute." I had no idea what to say, what am I supposed to do? Fuck him and live happily ever after? I'm socially awkward around people in general. I'm confident, bubbly and energetic but I do have a weird sense of direction I simply won't know when to shut up.
Me and Tyler was speaking for a whole, Douglas went to sleep, Sam was speaking to a girl from Australia, Kieran had chatted with me and then soon left.
"Wanna' meet up tomorrow?" Tyler questioned me. I felt my heart stop, I hope he means just as friends, we've been getting on so well and I genuinely like his personality.
We say our good nights and I get into my purple duvet, rest my head onto the matching pillows and fall heavily asleep.
Teen FictionA biography about myself. Friends, betrayal, heartbreaks, fiancés, money, living alone and surviving.