• In Which Dumbledore Arrives •

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A bright bedroom light emitted out through a small square window and into the pale street of Little Whinging. It contrasted greatly with the other house's non-lit room's on the respectable road. Number Four, Privet Drive, often stood out like a sore thumb during the summer, not that anybody would dare to mention this to the residents of the house, who would surely have a heart attack if they learned that the light had caused them some sort of embarrassment.

This ordinary house was habited by a very ordinary family of three, and the very unordinary pair of twins who were Harry and Charlotte Potter.

Said Potter's just so happened to be famous in a parallel universe, and they were currently awaiting their Headmaster's arrival, who had sent the children a note, via owl, just a few days before.

Dear Harry,

If it is convenient to you, I shall call at Number Four, Privet Drive, this coming Friday at eleven p.m to escort yourself and Charlotte to The Burrow, where you have both been invited to spend the remainder of your school holidays.

If you are agreeable, I should be glad of your assistance in a matter to which I hope to attend on the way to The Burrow. I shall explain this more fully when we meet.

Kindly send your answer by return of this owl. Hoping to see you this Friday,

I am, yours most sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore

And though Charlotte knew that the note was adressed to her brother, she wasted no time in replying to their Headteacher within the first few minuites of receiving the letter. There was no way that she was going to willingly stay with her Aunt's family for the rest of the summer. She had done it before, but Charlotte simply couldn't handle it that summer, for so much had changed over the last year.

Harry had read the note so many times, that although it had been delivered in a tightly furled scroll, it now lay flat under his hand as he slept in a chair by their bedroom window. His sister lay in an uncomfortable position on the top bunk of their bunk-beds; her legs dangling over the wooden banister, with a slightly tattered book covering her face and chocolate bar wrappers surrounding her sleeping body.

She let out a quiet murmur from underneath the book, before it was slowly removed to reveal her pretty face, though with a dazed expression due to the nap she had just woken up from. A frown rested on Charlotte's features as she sat up to peer around the room, eyeing her messy surroundings with distaste.

She tiredly raked a hand through her hair, stifling a yawn as she did so, before a groan of disgust left her lips. She called out her brother's name and picked up an apple core that had been sitting at the bottom of her bed, and then hastily tossed it over the wooden banister.

It was ten-to-eleven, she noticed as she hoisted herself up, reaching over to turn off the radio that had been tuned into a rap station. They had been playing nothing but Mobb Deep for at least twenty minutes though the old radio wasn't much cop anymore and the sound had grown fuzzy, the low vibrations had seemingly caused her to fall into her own slumber, joining her brother's cause.

The small alarm clock that sat next to the radio on the shelf showed her the time and she was suddenly glad to have woken up when she did, despite how disoriented she originally felt. Getting up off the bed, she balanced herself on the small wooden ladder that connected her's and Harry's beds together, before jumping off it and landing on her feet.

A small part of her was bitter that her landing hadn't been very loud as she had wanted to irk the Dursley's as much as she possibly could before leaving - not that it was much use, they didn't acknowledge the twins existence at all these days.

In Spite Of All The Danger // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now