Chtp 1.New meetings and harmfull words

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( the picture above is that your wearing,and I love this song 100% would listen to it's and older one but it's a good song in my opinion)

     I walked down the huge halls of UA. I was going to se my grandmother,she works here. My school closed and my parents said to go to my grandmothers school and hang around. I miss seeing her all the time. It's been about a month since I seen her. Yeah we call sometimes but with everything going on it's crazy.

     While I'm in my head I feel something hard hit me. I fell and looked up to see someone with half white and half red hair. He took my breath away. I noticed I was staring and said " umm... haha Can you help me up please?" I gave him a warm smile. He looked like he got out of his daze and looked down at me and helped me up. Something about him seems so inviting and warm but at the same time it's like their is this wall that's made of something so cold practically ice.

   He looked away and said " Do you need help with finding something? You don't look like a student that goes here at least."

  I smiled and said "Am I that odious? And yes I  would like you to show me where the nurse would be?"

  He nodded and toke my arm and lead me to the nurse would be well hopefully where the nurse would be.

   We walked for a little while and he said "May I ask why your going to the nurse?"

  I smiled and said "Well I'm her granddaughter and I'm supposed to stay around her after my school is over and it's over so yeah.."

   He just nodded. He seems so distant from everything. Like their is this wall well I mean I get you have to have a wall to protect yourself from pain but this is like he can't trust and it's sad and angry feeling from him. I touched him and he seems to tense a bit under my touch. I felt a wave of loneliness and sadness. I gave him a small smile as he helped me to my grandmother.

     "I'm sorry if I give you the perspective of being friends or anything like that. I do better on my own and hope I don't give the impression of wanting to.." His eyes traveled downwards after he spoke those words that hurt way more then they should.

I'm sorry I know it's a short chapter word count 435

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