Chapter 17- The parents

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The character visual for the parents Marie and Damion. They look young and that's okay black dont crack!

Damion's pov

Marie, why are the kids calling our phones so hard tonight.
"Idk, i heard that Tianna is upset with them, who's calling you?"
Jaden i yell
"Oh well answer it"

"Hey dad"
What's up kid
"Nothing, so by now i guess mom might have told you what happened right?"
Yea T isn't speaking with y'all. Why is that?
"Well um"
You know how i feel about the um's son use your words
" she found out about us and the drug dealing"
My heart sunk hearing that but reflexes let me look around to see if Marie was coming back upstairs, i quickly closed the door.
Yes son um
"You know how i feel about um's use your words" he mocked
I wanted to slap the fucking shit out of him for make a mockery of me at a moment like this
How did she find out?
BRAXON! what the hell does he have to do with her.
"They are kinda seeing each other"
What the fuck, why would you let my daughter around him, being around us is dangerous enough much more him. What the fuck Jaden
"Dad i'm sorry i never knew until today"
Son alright, here's what dont worry. She'll be okay. We are coming Friday. In the mean time make sure my daughter is okay and keep her the fuck away from that boy. I love you son. Stay safe and don't worry.
"I love you too Dad, okay"

After the call i sat on the bed worried and out of thoughts that I didn't recognize marie entering. "Hey what's up with you"she said.
I didn't answer. She snapped her fingers in my face "Earth to Damion"

I looked up "oh hey baby"

"Oh hey baby" she mocked getting a laugh from me.

"What's up with you?", she questioned
Oh shit now i have to tell her. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Okay um, we've been married for 5 years and i'm afraid I wasn't being completely honest with you" i said taking her hands bringing her closer.

"My father when i was younger he used to deal drugs. At first it started off as a hustle but then the money got addicting and it became a part of our life. He got so good at dealing drugs, he made a business. He had the pusher, the dealers, the farmers, the this, that, he had it all. When I turned 16 i was forced to join the business, i hated it alot but then the money as i said got addictive and then it was suddenly my addiction, my love and I couldn't stop. My father would make me promise that when i find something i love i never give it up despite of. One day i over stepped, i sold weed into another man's property i never knew it was that serious but he retaliated and he took the life of my father right out of my hands just like that. I saw the life of my mom drained as she saw the body of the man she loved lying lifeless. She didn't curse me or punish me, but she loved me even more and cherished me. She took me under her wings and she taught me how to be smart if i wanted to be in a business as such. As i grew i became wiser, smarter and I continued the business with my mom. Then i met you." At that she smile the most beautiful smile ever.

"Yea, that smile was exactly what had me. While we were dating which was when we were around 19 right?" Yes she said, "i fell inlove with you Marie, but you were also my cover up because people wouldn't suspect a man with a woman as you to be as dangerous. But trust me i love you. Years after my mom died from sickness. "

"I stopped the business for a while and settled down with you. We got married and we had Jaden. As he grew, i saw a little bit of me in him. I thought okay i'm going to start this business back and i did. The mistake i made this time was that I involved our sons in it and now they fear that they lost their sister for she had found out about it. She don't know that it is me as yet but i told Jaden to speak to her if she's willing to speak to them. "

"I shouldn't have kept this from you and i'm sorry for bringing this on our daughter. Will you ever forgive me?"

She sat there with a shock expression present on her face. As if she's trying to figure things out. She was awfully quiet for a while. Until

She came to me and craddle me and kiss me tenderly and say's "ofc my drug dealer. I signed up to deal with you, i'm here to the very end but just promise me that my sons, nor my daughter, nor sasha, nor my life or yours is in danger."

I promise, i said.

"Well okay" she said kissing me, "we'll get through this."

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