Chapter 13

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"That was so much fun," I said to Paul with a grin on my face as we pulled into Emily's driveway. His tan skin had grown slightly darker due to the hot California sun, as that was where the closest Six Flags was. My skin had not gotten tan, instead, I was sunburnt. The burn started setting in around an hour after Paul and I had gotten there and a bunch of middle-aged women with little kids kept offering me their sunscreen. We had pulled over to get some sleep before finishing driving so it was now around 7 in the morning.

"Other than your horrible singing it was pretty fun," Paul said while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I flinched at the pressure on my burn and he quickly removed his arm. "Sorry," He said.

"Your fine, and even ask Jared my singing is great," I said while grinning as we entered the house.

"What about your singing," Jared asked while looking up with a mouth full of muffin. Emily quickly scolded him before turning back to the stove.

"I'm a great singer right?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek. He swallowed a large amount of food in his mouth before slightly nodding.

"Of course you are babe," He said. It was obvious he was lying but I pretended I didn't realize.

"See Paul, everybody loves my singing," I said grinning as Jared slid his chair back and I sat on his lap.

"My ear literally started bleeding!" Paul said with a frown as he sat down. 

"That was from a mosquito, we both know that," I defended with a pout. Paul just rolled his eyes before Jared poked my sunburn I immediately flinched. "Oww," I said while slapping his hands away from my shoulders. It hurt enough sitting on my legs and they weren't burnt nearly as bad as my shoulders or face. 

"Why are you so red?" Jared asked and I rolled my eyes as Emily set eggs and bacon and toast in front of me.

"Don't give Jared any of that, it's yours," She said with a smile before sitting down with her own food and started a conversation with Sam.

"I have a sunburn, not everybody gets nice tans," I frowned. 

"Don't sunburn's usually turn into a tan?" Jared said confused and I shook my head.

"No, I just suffer for a few days and then go back to being pale," I said with a frown and Jared ran his fingers through my hair as I ate. 

"After breakfast, you get one of your surprises and then after lunch you get the other," Jared said before kissing my shoulder. 

"Why do I need so many surprises," I pouted. 

"There are just 2 surprises you'll be fine," Jared said while putting his hands on my hips and massaging the skin there. I noticed he did that a lot, he loved massaging my shoulders but since he couldn't he was settling to massage another part of her. 

"You know I don't like surprises," I pouted while looking at him. He just smiled and repeatedly kissed my lips until I couldn't help but smile. He grinned proudly before stealing a piece of my bacon and took a big bite off it.

"Stop eating my bacon," I pouted again and he shrugged before Sam reached over and smacked the back of his head.

"Leave her food alone," Sam said while Jared pouted I pinched his cheeks and he tried to stop it but a grin spread over his face.

"Finish eating then," Jared said. I slowly scooped up some eggs and chewed as slow as I could which caused Jared to frown as all the other boys ran out of the house to play soccer, Sam and Emily quickly followed them so Jared and I were left alone in the house. Jared gave me a look and I swallowed before smiling innocently at him.

Insatiable ~Jared CameronWhere stories live. Discover now