Chapter 3

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~3rd person~

The young Alpha woke up the next morning, she hears a knock on the door. Alec then swings her legs over the edge of her bed and walks over to the door in her blue gym shorts, black T-shirt, and absolutely gorgeous bed-headed glory. The young Alpha opened the door and came face to face with her dad. He looked at her and sighed heavily, "Get dressed Alec, make sure it's something nice," Alec closed the door in her father's face. She grabbed a light grey pinstripe vest with nice dress pants. The very generic looking girl went into the bathroom and put her hair into a bun. Vixen had woken up at this time and was just watching her groggy friend get ready to be all professional and shit. Vixen put on a pair of black skinny jeans with an Overwatch hoodie crop top thing, I don't know, she dresses weird during busy times.

The breakfast area had a large steam table that contained several chafer pans of Canadian bacon, breakfast sausages, fried and scrambled eggs, and fried ham. There were also waffles and pancake makers to the left of the steam table. To the right of the table, there was an assortment of cereal with milk and milk alternatives. There was also a coffee pot and hot water pot right next to this. The young alpha walked over to the tea rack, she began looking over the large assortment of teas. She extended her hand toward the peppermint tea and wound up making contact with another person's hand. They appeared to be reaching for the same tea, Alec began to profusely apologize. She looked up and saw that it was Dennis. He was smiling at her infinitesimal moment of panic. "It's ok Alec. However, I thought you would be more of a coffee person." the beta said clearly happy to see the girl.

"No, coffee just doesn't bode well with my system. Unless of course, I eat something with it or there's a lot of stuff in it." Alec explained trailing into an almost nervous laugh towards the end.

"Yeah I know what you mean," his blue-grey eyes shifted their focus temporarily as he lifted his hand to the back of his neck. "I guess that's another thing we have in common." the beta laughed as he said this. The two love-sick pups continued making their tea, continually looking over to each other and smiling. They walked over to the food, Dennis grabbed a plate and handed it to Alec. She took it and uttered a small thank you. He then grabbed one for himself and began taking some warm food and an orange. Alec took an apple and a small portion of scrambled eggs.

Taren and Vixen sat opposite of the fated pair, snickering and whispering to each other. Alec sneered at them as she picked at her food, trying to eat her eggs before they got cold and gross. Dennis then noticed the amount of food the girl had taken and raised an eyebrow. Vixen, one of the two bigger eaters across the table chimed in "Alec is never very hungry in the morning, so she feels obligated to take something while in public so she looks normal." The central beta hummed and nodded in response. They all talked as they ate, slowly learning more about each other. Alec's father walked up to the table, sporting a black button-up shirt with embroidered roses on the back flowing across his shoulders and very tastefully on his chest, along with his nicest pair of jeans, and his new cowboy boots which he had bought within the last week. She downed the last of her tea and jerked her head in the general direction of their room. Vixen understood and got up very begrudgingly. "Come on, I'll get you set up with my laptop in the room," Alec said very quietly and apologetically.

The four youths walked back to the room the boys waited outside while Alec logged into Netflix and plugged in her laptop. After making sure Vixen was ok and had most of what she needed, Alec proceeded to leave the room. She closed the door and led the way back to her father.

The three met up with Alec's dad, then headed for the meeting room. Once entering the room the Alpha's greeted each other, shaking hands and conversing before everyone was in the room. The last of the Alpha's and Beta's entered the room, Beta's stood against the walls while the Alpha's sat and discussed alliances and trades. Alec felt her phone vibrate approximately four hours into the meeting. She discreetly pulled her phone from her pocket and checked it seeing a text from Vixen. "Alec, I'm hungry, you didn't leave the chiiippsssss" Alec sighed, gaining a glare from the western packs Alpha. Alec rolled her eyes and put her phone in her pocket, replacing it with her wallet. She threw it to Taren with a firm but quiet 'Yeeeeet' gaining the attention of every Alpha and Beta in the room. The northern packs Alpha let out a small chuckle, well I see even the young one agrees we could use a break. Why don't we take a break for lunch and meet back here at one." The Alpha gave off a menacing tone as he looked at Alec. That same Alpha pulled her aside after everyone else left the room.

"I know you have her, so you'd better just tell me where you hid her.." He growled "I'm not scared of you. I'm protecting her, like a good Alpha so you better just fuck right off. If you hurt so much as a hair on her head you will experience her pain tenfold." Alec retorted attempting to sound threatening and straightening her posture. The Alpha gripped her wrist tightly, enough to leave a bruise "I'm not going to hurt her, now you be-" He was cut off by Taren and Alpha Ryan walking back into the room, "can I help you with anything Alpha Xander? You seem to need something with my pack." he glared at his daughter's wrist being held so tightly. Alpha Xander let go of her, clearing his throat as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "It's just a private matter, I was speaking to your daughter yesterday and I wanted to finish the said conversation, now if you'll excuse me I should join my beta for lunch." The Alpha quickly left before anyone could say anything else.

~Alec's P.O.V.~

We decided to go to an Italian place for lunch, Dennis came with us for lunch, somehow avoiding his pack entirely. "MAMA MIA" This was basically what Taren, Dennis and I were screaming at the top of our lungs the entire way to the restaurant. Vixen had started to chase after us with a large stick, she was Italian and hated when we did this to her. "I will murder you!" she yelled, running after us. We didn't care, we just kept laughing and running. We eventually reached the restaurant causing us to stop and Taren getting hit by Vixen with her new stick.

Entering the restaurant I started to feel a hand slither around my waist, then after a minute, it started to feel like two hands. Looking down I saw vixen wiggling her eyebrows at Dennis as she had placed his hand on my waist. I felt my cheeks turn hot and he looked at me with a soft smile "shall we head to the table?" he said, nodding his head towards Taren who was already following the waitress to a table. I falter for a moment "uh y-yeah" I manage to say as my voice cracks towards the end.

We all sat down at our table, enjoying the free bread before the waitress came to take our orders. After ordering we began to talk again, Dennis had excused himself to use the bathroom. Not even a second later I could feel a cold liquid being poured over my head and run down my shirt. It took all of my effort to not punch the bastard that did it. "What the hell is your problem!?" I growled. My dad quickly stood up and shoved him away from me, I finally looked over and saw that it was the western pack Alpha. Taren and Vixen both growled at him, even though Vixen's sounded more like a cat hissing. "Who would've thought that the weakest pack would have an omega with them for an Alpha's meeting, and here I thought you guys finally listened to the western pack's laws." The Alpha growled, grabbing Vixen's shoulder and digging his nails into her skin. "The fact that you are wanting a woman to be an Alpha, Ryan I thought we were close this is just shameful. Your pack could have been kept traditional with men as the Alphas and women as the baby makers they are meant to be."

I started growling at him for hurting vixen, she was one of my friends after all "Now if I see either of these two around here in the next week the southern pack won't make it to summer," with that he left us alone and Dennis came back to a table of pissed off and scared individuals.

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