Chapter 2

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sorry for the wait, we will be uploading hopefully weekly or every other week due to both of us working and going to school~ until then enjoy this chapter

~Alec's P.O.V.~

Chaos. That is all this morning was. "Alec! We are leaving in ten minutes!" my dad yells at me from downstairs. I panic and quickly grab a bunnyhug and some shoes as I fucking yeet a bun form some bobby pins and hair bands into my suitcase. I aggressively zipped it up and dragged it down the stairs, trying not to die in the process. I got myself and my stuff out to the car. Our Chevy Equinox was thankfully able to hold all the shit we needed and everyone who was going. Me, Taren, and Vixen sat in the back seat. I pulled my Nintendo Switch out of my pocket and pass Tarren, and Vixen some Joycons. "Alrighty, what'll it be guys? Mario Kart? Smash? Mario Party?" I asked looking to either side of me looking for their opinions. "Mario Kart! I'm gonna beat your ass at it like always!" Vixen chirped "I am a fucking GOD with Waluigi! So, I believe that you will be eating those words very shortly," I very, very smugly said even though it's true. Taren just laughed at our interaction and commented: "Isn't the point just to have fun?" I looked at him, "I have no life when it comes to this game," I essentially deadpanned. He shrugged and locked in his character. I locked in Waluigi and my usual setup, as my player one setup is proudly presented. I then waited for them to pick their karts or bikes. Vixen locked in as Rosalina with the Flamerunner bike, default wheels and glider, Taren locked in Inkling Boy with the Splat Buggy, rollers and parachute glider. They were no match for my Sportbike, rollers, and Flower Glider combo. The first race began, and since it was a versus race with no computer players this was going to be a cakewalk.

We are on the third and final lap of Moo Moo Meadows and I am well ahead of them both. It has been made abundantly clear that Vixen has never explored the mechanics of this game. She barely even knew how to drift or protect herself from red shells. Taren was catching up but I was so close to the finish line. He threw a red shell. I was so close to the line now. Just before I pass the checkered line, I got hit by the red shell and a blue shell. Taren passed me and I got second place Vixen was just seconds behind. "You both are fucking traitors!" I yelled, glaring jokingly at the two. Vixen giggled and grinned while Taren laughed "so do I get to choose the game now?" he asked. "Hell yeah brother" He picked Smash Ultimate, and I was suddenly so glad that I had three full sets of Joycons.

~~Time skip for the five-hour car drive~~

~3rd person~

The Trio reached the Central pack's territory and the SUV stopped at the borders, Ryan the pack Alpha exited the car to greet one of the pack guards for entry. A Medium-sized mixed grey wolf greeted the alpha and bowed, he let the group pass towards the inner pack grounds. Upon entering the inner pack, the group could see a small city inside, there were apartment buildings and housing along with various shops and restaurants. Vixen had put down her controllers to watch the passing buildings and spotting a few they should visit during their free time "Alec, there's a Korean bbq place here! Can we go please!?" vixen begged loving Korean food, Alec sighed at the omega "If we have time, you remember what dad said." The omega pouted knowing she hated being scent marked when she went out. Soon they arrived at a hotel where the meeting would be held for the next week. The SUV stopped again for everyone to get out and head inside. Alpha Ryan was the first get out and opened the door for the three teens in the back, each of them stepped out one by one with their bags in hand "now you all remember the rules correct? Vixen must be scent marked and she can't be alone unless in the room. Taren and Alec you both must be on your best behavior during the meetings, got it?" The Alpha said in a stern tone. The three nodded before being led to their rooms.

~Vixen's P.O.V.~

I walked behind Alec while we were lead to our rooms, as we walked I saw a tall man with black hair and tanned skin in a fine fitting suit. He talked with a small group of people, I couldn't take my eyes off of the man, his body seemed firm and muscular that even the suit he wore showed off everything he had. I bit her lip as the light scent of Lavender and nightshade drifted into my senses, my mind screamed 'mate'. Apparently, Alec had noticed this and wiggled her eyebrows at Taren and just yelled "DAAAMMNN" I blushed as the group including said hot guy looked at me, I turned to look at the now oblivious dead woman who started to walk a bit faster towards our shared room. "Alec you are dead!" I growled starting to run after her. "I'm a bad bitch! You can't kill me!!" she yelled out running faster to hide in what I think would be our room. I looked back at my supposed mate to see him walking closer towards me, being the nervous wreck I am, I started to walk faster towards the rooms. I was scared of what would happen, afraid even though he can tell I'm his mate he'll reject me for being a weakling. After turning the corner I tried to hide in one of the doorways, though I knew it wouldn't work, I'm small in height not figure. Not even a second later I was pulled into something hard, looking up I saw I was in my mate's chest, his touch was warm and soft. His scent filled my head, and my heartbeat sped up dramatically. A low growl emitted from him as he bent down so we were face to face, "why did you run?!" he growled, a soft whimper came from my lips as my body shook in fear. It felt like forever before the door behind him opened and something was thrown at him, he let go of me and fell to one knee, all of a sudden I was pulled in a room by Alec who yelled "Yeet!" before throwing another object then slamming and locking the door. I sat down on the bed still shaking a bit Alec sat next to me, an arm around my waist. The alpha was banging on our door, growling loudly, minutes passed before it stopped and Taren along with Alpha Ryan walked in with a disappointed look. "Does anyone want to tell me why the North's pack Alpha was banging on your door and growling or do I have to ask him myself?!" Ryan almost yelled. We just looked at him and nodded no one wanting to explain currently.

~3rd person~

After an hour of explaining what was going on, the four left the room for dinner taking their coats for the cold night ahead. As the four walked outside snow began to fall from the sky, coating the ground like a white blanket. Vixen danced around catching snowflakes in her hands, they melted instantly. All of them knew what would happen soon, Vixen would have her heat soon. Alphas and Betas would have heats but only the women and only after they have been marked, Omega's have heats once a year and would affect both male and female since both could become pregnant. After a quiet walk the four reach a sushi and hibachi restaurant, Taren and Ryan lead the girls as they took in the heavenly scent of meat cooking. They were brought to a table by a kind-looking Asian woman. The group began scanning the menu when suddenly Alec and Vixen were basically picked up out of their seats into a bear hug. They both looked up to see Eric, an old friend "Yay blonde boy is back!" Vixen cheered as she hugged the chubby man back. Alec ignored Eric in favor of another male that was with him, Vixen examined the teen. He seemed to be an inch taller than Alec and much skinnier almost anorexic, he had brown shaggy hair that framed his face with greyish blue eyes that glowed in the dim lighting. Vixen gave off a purring sound toward Alec as she noticed the two staring pretty intently. The night continued smoothly with Alec and the new guy, Dennis basically holding hands while they both ate a shit ton of sushi, Vixen and Taren shared some dumplings, fried rice, and steak while Eric and Ryan caught up. The group continued to party through the night before it became late, Dennis and Eric led the girls to their room as the boys went to continue to party in their room.

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