Chapter 1: "I dont want to go..."

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!mild swearing!

Error woke up with a start. He dreamt of his brothers, and that they were getting tortured by their father. Their father was a real bastard. He never cared for them, and never raised them like how they should have been raised. Error and his brothers hated him.

One day, they decided to run away, and while their father was busy drinking, they left together. They grew up protecting and caring for each other, and never leaving each other's sides.

Error got up, got dressed and brushed his teeth, and headed for the door. "And where exactly do you think your going?" Asked a voice. "I'm heading to the store, killer.". "Dude, it's the same thing every week. Your schedule hasn't changed ever since your girlfriend cheated!" He yelled.

"Don't remind me! Every time someone does, all of it just comes back to haunt me and tell me I was an idiot for believing she loved me. Just let me go to the store. ALONE!" Error yelled.

Killer stood there quietly and then headed towards the kitchen. Error, surprised he hadn't woken anyone else up, opened the door and headed out.

Error POV
I wanted to get away from everyone. Just to have some me time, even though I get that 24/7.
I got to the store and went to the candy section. I got some chocolate. More specifically, dark chocolate. One of my favorites. I payed and went out. I passed the park. I could hear children laughing and screaming as They played together. I passed a glance at them. Would I want a family one day? No, not until I meet someone thats true and loyal who will actually love me.

That won't be for a while though... I decided to sit on a bench to eat my chocolate. It was a nice day out. its Wednesday, 11:35 A.M. with some clouds up above. Daytime isn't really my favorite, though. Nighttime is.

I have to admit, looking at the stars is so comforting, especially when you have chocolate with you and someone special-.... oh.

I growled, thinking about her.

She was a real bitch, not to mention she didn't really care for me. In all my time of dating her, which was for about a year, she only kissed me about 15 times. With the majority of that being on the cheek.

Enough about her though.

I got up and went in the direction to the house. When I got there, everyone was up, either eating breakfast or talking to each other on the couch. I went straight up to my room and plopped down on my bed.

I summoned some strings, and played cats cradle for a few minutes. I stopped, still bored out of my mind when someone walked in.
"Ever knock before entering? Jeez..." I said annoyed. "Oh- uh... sorry...". It was
killer. Killer sat down next to me and said "Dude, maybe you should get yourself back out there.".

Killer POV
I'll admit, I was worried. He's never been so distant or down. Maybe he just needs to find someone better, someone who'll care. Of course, they could always break his heart, but still. I saw Error head to his room.

I followed him up after a few minutes to talk. Maybe taking him to a night club would help. There's a bunch of hot chicks and guys he'll find attractive. Did I mention Error's bi? (Lol in this story he is sorry)

I went in without knocking. "Ever knock before entering? Jeez..." he said. I could tell he was annoyed. "Oh- uh... sorry..." I replied, not wanting to piss him off more. I sat down next to him.

"Dude, maybe you should get yourself back out there." I said. He slowly turned to me and I could tell, I fucked up.

Error POV
"Have you learned nothing?! Every time I get into a relationship it ends horribly with me weak and broken and them with a full sense of pride!! It HURTS when someone breaks your heart!! I just-"

I stopped and looked to the floor, glitching rapidly.

"I'm-I'm...... scared it'll happen again." I admitted. "No harm in trying though right, Error? Why don't we go to that one club? What was it again? Virtual66? Yeah!" He asked. "I don't want to go..". "Cmon man, please? It'll just be me and you going.".

Damn you Killer, you somehow always persuade me to do things that I don't want to do.

"....Fine.... I'll go....".

Authors note tehe:

Sorry about the short chapter and grammar and all that. I kinda wanted to post it today since I'm just an overexcited little thing. I couldn't help it lol. I said it would be posted soon but hey, it hasn't even been 3 hours yet. Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed chapter 1. I would absolutely LOVE FEEDBACK bc we all know I could improve lol. And with that, I'll see myself out. Have a good night/day! And remember, you are all beautiful and amazing, because you are YOU! Peace out my brothas and sistas!

-that one crappy author, cactus223

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