Chapter 20: Roller Skate, Figure 8

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Yo I swear y'all the best- jeSUS LAWD I BE GETTING VOTES AND COMMENTS- ITS LIKE WHAAAA- fr bro thanks you ALL! Ya boi here is THANKFUL and GRATEFUL for what y'all be doing. Thank you so much fam! Onto the story cuz I'm rambling lol


I had my bag slumped over my shoulder. I was walking to the roller rink. I lived about a 10 minute walk from it.

I had gone there before. I had such good times there. I even made some friends to.

Such a great place. I found it cool. I still find it cool. I made it to the rink and sat on a bench right outside.

I looked at the sky. The sun had already set, yet the sky still contains pinks and oranges scattered here and there.

The clouds complimented it. I've always loved the array of colors the sky makes when the sunset or sunrise is happening. The stars were beautiful though.

You could barely see them, but they were still visible. I heard foot steps. I turned to the right.

"H-hey!" Error said with a smile.

I stood up. "Hi Error! Uhhh what's up?" I say. "The sky." He says with a smirk. I giggle. "Nice night, eh?" I ask.

"Yeah. But not as nice as you~" he says playfully. I blush and giggle. "You wanna go in? It's already 7:47." I ask.

"Uh sure.". We head to the entrance and I pull the door open. "After you." I say. He blushes and thanks me, flustered. We walk towards the counter.

"Shoe size?" I ask error. "6". "Ok. I'll pay, I want you to enjoy tonight." I say. "B-but-"

"no but's! Literally..." I chuckle.

He laughs and asks me if I'm sure. I say I am. Then, he goes and takes a seat at a table. I head to the counter.

"Size 6 in men please." I say politely. The guy smiled and I hand him the money to pay for both of us.

I thank him and go to Error. "Here you go." I say, giving them to him. "What about you? Where are your skates?" He asks.

"Right here in my bag." I exclaim, pulling them out. His eyes widen in surprise.

"Those look... nice" he comments. "Thanks. I used to skate at the skate park in town.". I look at him.

Error POV
Ink was a skater? Wow... that's.. impressive. I knew I was boring.

I don't ever do exciting things like that...

"so Error, tell me about yourself. What do you like to do?" He asked.

"M-me? Oh... uhh well sometimes I like to read and cook, but my favorite thing to do is... knit..." I say quietly.

"You knit? That's awesome! I've always wanted to learn. Using those knitting needles seem hard, especially on how you have to control your fingers to make it perfect. Anything else? I want to get to know you better.".

I look at him. He's putting on his roller skates right now. I blush.

"W-well, I like to make puppets of my close friends. That might sound weird, I know.. sorry..".

"That's not weird. I always paint my friends. Like, ALL the time and, only sometimes, hang them up in my house! There's nothing wrong with that".

He looks up at me and smiles. I chuckle in my head. "Hey, I'm ready to go and skate. You ready?" He asks.

"Yeah. Thing is... I'm not the best skater.. I just wanted to make you feel happy and comfortable..." I blush in embarrassment.

"You didn't need to do that for me. That's very kind though, thank you. It's completely fine that you don't know how to skate. I teach you if you want! And maybe show you some tricks I used to do."

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