ch. 1

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narrator: 2 lovers who cannot talk nor speak to one another, separated by a wall, but their bond is so strong, even from far away they can hear each others thoughts  

man: "Help thou fair maiden for I cannot survive any longer, I've spent all my life longing for thousand touch." 

lover: "Be patient my love for before the years come to an end, we shall be united for one night" 

man: "Oh joy! There would be nothing I would want more" 

lover: "But tell me, what is it that you love most about me?" 

man:"I love how thous hair falls so perfectly golden, how one stare to any creature, can make thyself feel like heaven, but most importantly, how thou make my heart beat like there's no tomorrow." 

lover: "If thy did not have such graceful beauty like I, would though still love me?" 

man: "Of course my love!"  

lover: "Then make a vow that to me, and if thou shall lie, my heart shall stop beating, until the day your love for me is true." 

man: "I vow to you my love." 

narrator: A month passed and that night, the lands beneath there feet rose, and connected forming a platform for the two.  

man: "My love I have come for you!" 

lover: "Yes, we finally have this one night to warm out bodies with one another." 

narrator: The man unzipped the his lovers suit, only to find something most shocking 

man:"You are a man!" 

lover:"Do you not love me anymore?" 

man: "I'm sorry but I cannot, it is against gods will for my heart to beat this rapidly for another of the same gender as I" 

narrator: As his lover said, he fell to the ground, dead. 

man: "Oh no what have I done!" 

narrator: The man reached out for his lovers body, but the two lands split, bringing the meet into an end.

narrator: Months passed, and the all the man could do was look at his lovers body, until a fair woman came wondering about. 

man: "What had thou come for?" 

girl: "I have been sent here from above, to be a replacement to the one which had passed."

narrator: As the girl said, she was, but as the two got closer, the man came to a realization 

man: Maiden you're beauty is indeed far beyond then those of this world, but I am sorry for I cannot love you." 

girl: "Why is that?, had I not love you like no woman could?" 

man:" yes you have loved me like no WOMAN could, but thou whom I love, is no woman, but a man...... A beautiful charming, man..." 

narrator: The man walked to his lover, and right passed the wall, leaned down and kissed him with hot passion. The infuriated woman did not take kindly to the sight. 

girl: "Heed my warning you fools for if you do what I may think, you will suffer the ultimate wrath of god!" 

narrator: The two said both spoke in a unison 

man and lover: "If it meant being by his side, I would die." 

narrator:The ground rose once again. 

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The two once again shared a kiss, but a more passionate heated kiss, reassuring one another that this time, both were ready for what is to come.

man: i do not care of what my punishment is to be, for thy, this night is already everything i can ask for.

lover: this one does not care neither, so tonight we shall spend time in our own heaven, are you ready?

narrator: The man did not respond, but kissed his love as if there was nothing in the world besides the two. As the tension rose, the man unzipped his lover clothing once again, but did not care of what lies below his waist, and accepted every inch of his body. The man knew not of what to do, but his lover caught on, his lover pushed him down, leaving trails of kisses from the neck, chest, belly, and all the way down to his stiffness. The man left out a soft moan as his lover kissed his tip gently, but let out an ever bigger one as the soft lips of his lover cascaded down to his length. 

A few hours later, the man was engulfed in the satisfaction, and blacked out. no longer aware of what he was doing, he pushed his lover down, rapidly, almost eagerly kissing her as she moaned loud noises. without warning the man started pounding his lover over and over again, without hesitation, which caused a series of pleasure for his lover, even though it still hurt. The next thing the two knew, they succumbed into the tiredness, causing each one to release. 

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The two did not wake up that morning, for they did not know the punishment the girl spoke of was death, but for the two lovers, death could not separate one another. where the two used to lay, sit two trees entwined with each other, becoming one. The trees lay peacefully, without disturbances, only to be untouched and sit peacefully, and happily for centuries to come.

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