The Well of the spirits

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A few hours later nick had arrived with crew
"You claim this is the site."nick said with wonder."yeah, i know it is" brendan said, "lets get digging" nick replied. After hours of digging, they found a slab and removed it, only to see that brendan was right, but the chamber was crawling with spiders. "Think we can gas it out" nick said. To which he got a reply of "chlorine gas outta do it" from brendan, who handed him a gas grenade. After the gas dissipated, the two went down, retrieved the ark and returned to the surface, upon which they discovered Sangvis was waiting for them. "So mr. boreth, yet again, i win" Spencer said calmly "like hell you will" brendan responded "let the other one go, He's not important" Spencer said, before realizing brendan had escaped
Its a tad short, but the good part if i can call any of this hot shit that, is coming up

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