Fights and chases

36 1 0

Sangvis tent- dig site
"Come on M16 we are getting out of here after i get the ark back" brendan said as he untied M16, "they plan to airlift it out with a helicopter" M16 replied. "Time to destroy a helicopter" brendan said before running to the helicopter with a satchel charge, as he planted the satchel charge, a guard shot at him and missed, hitting the engine, as brendan armed it he was punched out of the helicopter, and ran as the heli exploded, he met up with nick "they will take it by truck" nick said to which brendan responded "what truck?" Before seeing the ark be loaded onto a truck, he then figured out how to get it back, he jumped on a horse and chased after it he got close enough, shot the driver and opened the door, killed the passenger and then suddenly remember the back had soldiers. He thought and figure out what to do, he opened the rear truck flap and shot the 2 guard soldiers before driving the truck off-road and towards the port of Cairo, when brendan arrived he saw M16 and kaden waiting, who wasted no time loading it onto a transport before an Sangvis platoon showed up and opened fire, brendan and M16 fired back before seeing 2 rockets take out the platoon, M16 and brendan hopped on the transport the ark was loaded on.

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