Part 22

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The girls and I left with the boys and went to their place.

"Um Karina you and maybe 2 of the girls can sleep in my room I'll take the couch" Kio said

"Thank you" I smiled at him and followed him to his room with Riley and Addison

"You two can take my room too I got Jadens" Bryce said

Charli and Dixie made their way to Bryce's room and Avani was with Anthony.

The next morning when I woke up Riley and Addison were not in bed anymore. I grabbed my phone and tried to turn it on but the battery died.

I got out of the bed went to the bathroom and washed my face.

I walked out and Right when Kio was about to walk into his room

"Oh hey good morning was about to come wake you up for breakfast" Kio said smiling

"Awh good morning to you too" I said

We both walked to the kitchen and everyone was already awake.

I sat next to Riley as she handed me a plate.

"Good morning" Griffin said and gave me a breakfast sandwich that he made

"Thank you" I smiled at him

"Kio is cute" Riley whispered to me

I looked at her and then at Kio. Kio was messing around with Jaden and Bryce.

When breakfast was okay Tony called

Tony: good morning baby
Me: good morning
Tony: with what happened yesterday I want you to please go stay at your parents place and when I get home tomorrow I'll take care of everything
Me: when tomorrow?
Tony: I'm gonna be back maybe at 8 but anyways how are you feeling?
Me: better
Tony: man...I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you...I should've said no and stayed with you instead of leaving it to Florida
Me: it's okay tony I'm fine
Tony: no it's not okay and it was my fault for leaving you I could've protected you from what happened
Me: Tony baby it's not your went to Florida to meet people who looks up to you and we didn't even know all of this was going to happen
Tony: I'm just glad you're safe and I love you so much
Me: I love you too

We talked for a bit more and than ended the call. We stayed at the sway house for a couple of hours before my parents picked up Riley and I.

"Hey thanks for everything" I said to Kio

"Always" Kio said and hugged me

"Where's my hug?" Bryce said and walked behind Kio

Kio pulled away and walked to Riley

"Thanks Bryce" I smiled and hugged him

"You are so very welcomeeee" He said

After we said our goodbyes we walked out and my parents were outside waiting.

"Honey are you okay?" My mom walked out of the car

"I'm doing better mom" I said

My dad got out of the car too and hugged both Riley and I.

"Come on let's go" my dad said and smiled at me

The whole car ride was full of my my asking questions about what happened and if Riley and I were okay.

When we got to the house Riley's parents were already in the driveway waiting.

"Thanks Mr and Mrs Vince" Riley said

"Bye" Riley said and hugged me

Riley left and I walked into my room. Christoper was at my aunts place so he wasn't home.

My room looked so different especially since I haven't been home for a couple of months now.

I looked into the mirror and at my belly. It was getting bigger and still the only person that knows is Nessa.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" my mom walked in and behind her was Christoper

"Christoper" I said and picked him up

"I've missed you so much" I said

"I missed you too"

"You're so tall now"

"I grew this much" Christoper said and held up 3 fingers

"That's a lot" I said and put him down

"Can we go play outside?" He asked

"Let's go" I said as he ran out and made his way to the backyard

I walked outside and my dad was already outside barbecuing

I walked along the pool and sat where Tony and I sat when I was showing him around.

Wow that's so crazy we were like strangers when we sat here and now he's like the love of my life I thought to myself

"Karina come look at this" Christoper said

I stood up and followed him

"This is the pirate ship dada built for me" He said

"Wow this is so nice" I said as Christoper got in it and put his Pirate hat on

The next day

I got up and I got a morning text from Tony, After replying I got up and cleaned myself up a bit.

I looked through my closet and tried to find something baggy for me to put on so no one can tell that I'm pregnant.

I went downstairs and my dad was chasing Christoper around while my mom is making breakfast.

"Karina help" Christoper ran behind me and held onto my legs

"Oh your sister is not going to do anything" my dad said which made Christoper let go and ran away

"Good morning mom" I said eating the grapes on the table

"Good morning" She said

"Do you need any help?" I asked

"No I'm okay but what time are you picking up Tony?" My mom asked

"He's landing area 8 so I'm leaving at 7:30ish" I said

"Okay well I'm just gonna let you know that your dad and I will be gone tonight at 7 and since you're gonna be gone at 7:30 I'm going to take your brother Christoper to your aunts place again" she said

"For how long are you and dad are going to be gone for?" I asked

"I don't know yet but probably till midnight or later" she said

After I ate breakfast and hours past and it was getting dark out my parents just got done getting ready.

"Bye Christoper" i said hugging him

"Bye Karina" he said wrapping his small arms around my neck

"Be safe driving" I said to my dad

"You too honey" my dad said

"Okay bye guys" I said as they made their way to the car and I locked the door.

"I was home by myself now for a couple of minutes before I leave to go pick up Tony. I was getting kind of scared after what happened to my place and I was home alone.

I walked into my room and sat on my bed and waited till it was 7:30.

It was now 7:20 so I got up took my shirt off and pulled a pink hoodie on since I hated wearing shirts under my hoodies.

I grabbed my keys walked out the door, locked it and made my way to the airport.

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