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Jaci POV:

Me, my brother ,Chase, my best friend, Remi, and her brother, Tayler have all been super close ever since we were little. We did everything together growing up because Remi and Tayler's parents were mine and Chase's second parents and vice versa to them. Our moms were best friends since they were freshman in high school. They also did everything together. They even both got pregnant around the same time twice and ended up getting a boy and a girl but just at different times. First was Tayler, 21, then me, 20, then Remi, 20, (just a couple of months after me) then the baby of the group, Chase, and him being 17. Even though Chase was 3-4 years younger than us, we never left him out. About a year ago, Tayler moved to LA from Texas and Chase went with him. Chase graduated high school early and didn't think about changing his mind for one second. The next thing we all know, Chase is in LA with Tayler. Me and Remi stayed behind and we have been wanting to go to Los Angeles since they left but we decided that until we make enough money to get our own place then we would stay put. Remi and I are not even close to getting our money goal. We still need around $1,000 to get there and get on our feet and into the 2 bedroom apartment we have been looking at.

After work Remi and I were hanging out in her childhood bedroom when I got a call from Chase.

C=Chase J=Jaci R=Remi

J: Hey lil bro what's up.

C: Nothing I wanted to talk to you and Remi about something. Is she with you?

J: What do you think?

C: Okay, well as you both know I moved into the hype house a couple of months ago and there has been some drama, right?

J&R: yeah

C: Well, now we have an extra room and I talked to Thomas and we all talked to the managers and they said you and Remi could come stay at the hype house and become apart of it. What do you think?

J: Oh my god are you serious?

C: Deadass. I have everyone here now.

(I looked at Remi and she was nodding her head profusely)

J: Yes!!!

C: Awesome. But let's not tell Tayler and we'll keep it a surprise.

J: Got it. Thank you. I love you Chase.

C: Love you too big sis. Oh before I forget they said y'all could move in next week.

J: Okay. Again thank you so much and tell everyone else there we said thank you and are totally grateful.

C: I will. Love you guys.

R: Love you too, rat. Thank you.

I hung up the phone and Remi and I started dancing around her room. We were so excited that when there was a knock on the door we didn't even hear it. When the door opened up we saw Remi's mom in the doorway. "Oh. Hi Stephanie." I said politely. "Hi mom" Remi said while we are both out of breath. "Hi girls. Why are y'all jumping around? We can you hear y'all screaming from downstairs." Stephanie said in a calm voice. "Sorry, mom but guess what! Me and Jaci are going to LA next week!!!" "What!?" Her mom said in shock. "Yeah. We are staying with Chase." Remi said. "I'm so happy for you two." "Thanks." Remi and I said at the same time.

For the past week Remi and I have been packing non-stop. We both quit our jobs but didn't put in two-week notice because we were leaving in a week and we explained that to both of our bosses. We leave for LA tomorrow and I could never be more excited. I'm kinda nervous though because we will be living with strangers. Ive seem all of their Tiktok's and I know who they are I just don't know anything about them personally. Remi has been totally obsessed with Tony Lopez ever since she knew about him. I've never really had a crush on one but I'm the type of person to meet someone's personality. But I guess I also have to be attracted to their looks to get to know them. If that makes sense. I'm sure I'll be really good friends with all of them though. After I finished packing, I called Remi to see if she was done and she said yes. I went to bed that night not knowing that my life will forever be changed when I move into that house.

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