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Jaci POV:

Today is the day. Remi and I are finally moving into the hype house. We had to wake up at 5 in the morning because we are driving the whole way there and when we get there it will be around 3 o'clock in the morning. So we wanted to kinda get a head start even though it will still be super late. Remi said goodbye to her parents put her stuff in her car since she has the bigger car. Then she drove to my house. We have all of our stuff that we are bringing packed and in the car ready to go. I just hate saying goodbye. That's the worst part. My mom and dad walked out the door. "Aren't you gonna say bye to your parents?" My mom said. "Yes, of course but you both know I hate saying goodbye." I smiled. I walked over to my mom and gave her a hug. She squeezed me so tight and I thought she was never gonna let go. She finally let go and i hugged my dad. He let go and i look up at him and he was trying to hold back his tears but he couldn't. "Dad... what's wrong?" My dad looked down at me. "I just don't like saying goodbye to my kids. When your brother left you know how I was. I was just so shocked that he left." My dad full on crying now. "I know dad. I'll miss you. Both of you." I looked at my mom then back over to my dad. "I'll have Chase come back with me on Christmas so you guys can see both of us. I promise" "Okay. Now that you promised." We all laughed. "Hey Jaci. If we are gonna get there by 2 or 3 we better go now." I looked over at Remi and smiled. "Okay. The next chapter of my life here I come." I turned and waved at my parents before hopping in the passenger seat of Remi's 2019 Jeep Cherokee. As we drove away I couldn't look back at my parents or I was gonna feel bad for leaving them and not chasing my dream. On the car ride there Remi and I took turns driving every 2 hours so the other could sleep or just chill. We played music and just enjoyed the views. We finally arrived there about 22 hours later. It was 3:15 am in Texas but 1:15 here when we arrived at the hype house. Remi pulled up and both of our eyes went wide. "Oh my god! This is where we are going to be living for now!" I said with my jaw on the floor still. Remi couldn't even say a word. We parked the car and we decided to get only our carry on so we could just get all of our stuff tomorrow. We both walked up to the door but didn't knock because we knew that people would be upstairs and not hear the knock so, I texted Chase that we were here and he open the door 2 minutes later. As soon as Chase saw us he tackled us in a hug. Remi and I weren't that tired because we both slept in the car so we wouldn't be dead tired when we got here. "Oh my god I missed you too so much." Chase said letting go of us. "We missed you too little rat." Remi said. Chase looked at us and quieted his voice. "But we need to kinda be quiet because Tayler is here hanging out with us upstairs and he doesn't know that you guys are here." I looked at Remi and she looked so happy that she was finally going to see her older brother for the first time in two years. We walked further in and there was no one downstairs. Remi and I keep up with Chases and Taylers videos so we know that a lot of people live here, so they are either upstairs or some of them aren't here because it is only 1:15 here, it's LA and it is a Friday night. "Hey you guys bring your stuff and go hide in the kitchen. I'm gonna call everyone down here." Chase pointed toward the kitchen. We ask smiled and ran into the kitchen. "Hey can everyone come down here! I need to speak with everyone!" Within a couple minutes we saw everyone sitting on the couch or on the floor and lastly Tayler walked down the stairs and sat on the floor. Considering how many people were here I guess no one went out. That makes sense because everyone knew we were coming. The only person who didn't was Tayler. Chase started talking. "So as you guys know I've had a secret for a while now and it finally came in today and I wanted to share it with you guys. I don't know how I kept this a secret for so long. Well actually it's only been like a week but still, y'all know me i can't keep a damn secret whatsoever, but I managed to for my good friend Tayler." Tayler interrupted. "Wait what!? Everyone knew about this but me." Everyone nodded slowly. "Anyways, let me go get it." Chase said as he walked to the kitchen. Remi and I left it stood in the kitchen and walked out with Chase into the living room. I was so nervous and I guess Remi was to considering that she was going into my arm tightly. We walked in front of Tayler and he looked up and immediately jumped up if the floor and tackled us into a hug. "Oh my god! What are you guys doing here!" Tayler let go of us and Chase walked over. "They love at the hype house bro." We all looked at Tayler and he gave all of us a hug this time. "I'm so glad y'all are here." Tayler said. "Us too." Remi said looking up at her older brother. We all let go of each other and I saw that everyone was staring at us. "Hi everyone." I started talking. "I'm Jaci and this is Remi. I'm Chase's older and smarter sister." Everyone started laughing. "You're my only sister." I looked at Chase. "Exactly." Remi finally spoke up. "I'm the smaller and girl version of Tayler." This guy who was very buff and built stood up. "I'm Thomas. And this is hype house... welcome." "Thank you." He also introduced everyone. He pointed to a blond headed guy and a girl with dirty blonde hair. "That is Alex and Kouvr. They are one of the couples in the house." Next he pointed to two blonde boys. "Those are the twins, Jack and James." He then pointed to two black haired girls that look almost identical. "The smaller one is Charli and the one with a lot of freckles is Dixie. The brunette haired girl is Mia. That's Nick and Ryland. That's Papper/Connor and Calvin. That's Avani and Addison. And then that's Tony. Also, Ondreaz is out with his girlfriend, Daisy, but she used to be in the hype house and now she's not but she is still dating Ondre." Thomas said. "Okay." I said smiling at everyone. Nick started talking. "If and when you meet her let us know you guys opinion on her. Apparently, Ondre loves her but everyone else is kinda iffy about it." "Deal." I said laughing. I looked over at Remi and I just had to laugh because she couldn't stop staring at Tony. "Remi. Remi. You're staring." I whispered leaving I've to her. "Oh my bad." She whispered back. We all spent about an hour talking and then Tony, Nick and Thomas helped me and Remi get our things out of the car while Chase and Thomas set up our room upstairs. When we got everything unpacked it was around 4:30 am and we went to bed. This is gonna be a wild ride. I thought to myself as I fell asleep.

A/N: yes I know that not all this is true but still. And this story does not involve COVID-19. Let me know what you think. Vote and comment please.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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