Episode I

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"Ani, I wanna have our baby back home on Naboo."

Padmé stood looking out over the bustling nighttime skyline of Coruscant. She brushed her hair as if she was in a trance. I wasn't far, resting my head on a wall. I couldn't help but admire her beauty. She spoke again.

"We can go to the lake country where no one will know. We can be safe."

I was speechless. Despite everything wrong going on in the galaxy at the time, this felt so  right. I noticed she had turned to face me.

"I can go early and fix up the baby's room. I know the perfect spot, right by the gardens."

This was one of the few moments we would get to spend together before I had to leave to continue serving in the Clone Wars, so I tried to make it last. I finally managed to say something, still in awe of my wife.

"You're so... beautiful."

"It's only because I'm so in love." She smiled. I loved her smile. I still do.

"No," I giggled, "No, it's because I'm so in love with you!" I couldn't help but hold a stupid grin on my face.

"So love has blinded you?" She joked, knowing it's the best way of getting me to let down the walls built up by the stress in my life. Still, I didn't know how to answer.

I tried to sound serious, "Well, that's not exactly what I meant."

She grinned, "It's probably true."


"We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies." a medical droid dryly informed me as I dashed for the room Padmé was in.

"B-babies?" I sputtered as I frantically entered the room where Padmé was about to give birth. I couldn't believe it. We were having twins.

Padmé was on a bed in intense pain, clearly almost ready to push. Obi Wan Kenobi, a friend of both Padmé and me, was already in the room. He sat in a small chair opposite the door, face in his hands.

The medical droid caught up to me, entering the room, "Yes, she is carrying twins."

I ran to Padmé and grabbed her hand. She squeezed my hand tightly. I felt my eyes begin to blur with tears.

"Ani..." she whispered through her sobs.

"It's okay, love." I cried into her hand. "I-I'm here."

Everything went into a blur. The room spun and became a cacophony of cries from both Padmé and the babies. All I could recall hearing were the names "Luke" and "Leia" coming from Padmé. The cries of my family echoed throughout the room. Louder. Louder. Louder!


I woke up, sweat covering my body. A crying baby had just awakened me from another nightmare.

Another nightmare.

Gasping, I sit up and begin to get out of bed. Two small cribs sit just feet from me.

I calm myself down, not wanting to scare the children.

It was just another bad dream...

I get up and walk to the cribs. Luke.

Luke rolls in his crib, bawling. Amazingly, the cries of her brother haven't disturbed Leia, still fast asleep.

I scooped the crying child into my arms, trying to be as gentle as possible, cradling my just one month old baby.

"Shh..." I whisper to Luke, "everything is going to be okay." Though I didn't necessarily believe myself, looking at the empty bed clearly made for two.

I took Luke to the window of the bedroom. Outside, a cool breeze blows the trees in the gardens just in front of the house. The sound is eerie, but peaceful.

Padmé would have loved it here.

The skyline of Theed, the capital city of Naboo, is barely visible, just an hours journey from our home.

Our home.

Some time goes by. I wasn't really paying attention. Now, Luke has calmed down, and is looking up at me. I realized there are tears in my eyes. I don't really remember when they even started. I sigh, looking down at Luke.

Like father, like son.

My son's sky blue eyes shine in the moonlight, which brings a slight smile to my face. I know this is what Padmé would have wanted me to do.

I still can't believe it's been a month since she passed. It's as if a part of me has died and moved on with her, every day becoming a new normal for me and the twins.

I instinctively cradle my son, gently rocking him back and forth. I look out over the expanse of nature before us, and recall the events that led me here.

No more than two months ago, the Jedi Council discovered my secret relationship with Padmé, which was forbidden under the Jedi Code. Rather than try and defend myself, I simply took the chance to finally leave the order. This was something I had wanted to do for a long time, and had even expressed to my old master, Obi Wan, many times. I still wonder from time to time if Obi Wan is the reason for the council's discovery, but it does not matter. I would be grateful to my old master for allowing me an easy way out of the order.

Now, with the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Jedi Order is no more after the passing of Order 66. Jedi are now enemies of the Empire. All Jedi were either killed or went into hiding, the latter being the case for Obi Wan, who was the only Jedi still in touch with me after my departure from the order.

I don't know how long I have been standing at the window, but I realize Luke is now asleep in my arms. My arms move slightly with his soft breaths.

I slowly walk Luke back over to his crib and lay him down, gently. Both of my children now fast asleep.

Looking down at my family, another slight smile crosses my face.

My children, my hope.

Thank you for reading Episode I of "Across the Stars: A Star Wars Story"! Let me know what you think. I'm very excited to continue this story! :)

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