Part - 3

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Like you all know, it was the calmness before a storm was going to come. And here comes the storm any guesses......................................

You will soon know.

So, let's start from where we left .


Third person's pov-

Yuzi  and Shreyas were planning to make a  tiktok video. So, they were discussing on it , accompanied by Kuldeep and Rahul . Jassi was engrossed in reading a book . Rohit as usual was sleeping. Virat was on video call with Anushka and she  was making him talk to Sammy as she was with Ritika at her house.

Just then , Rahul sees a sports car's pic in his phone as he was going through insta. He instantly says "What a beauty!!!" .

As Rohit was sleeping near to Rahul , he heard what Rahul said. So, waking up from his nap. He asked " Kiya Dekh rahe ho, what is beautiful?" .( What are you seeing?)

Rahul: Ro bhaiya, see this beauty. I'm thinking to buy this.

Rohit: Wow!!!😍 Go ahead . And please buy the blue coloured model of this.

Before Rahul could say anything ,Virat who was also sitting nearby and was on video call with Nushkie and Sammy heard Rohit's talk with Rahul.
So, he also joined them.

Virat: Rahuliya , you are asking the wrong person. Blue coloured model bilkul maat Lena , Acha nhi lagega. ( Don't take the blue coloured model. It won't look good)

And he said all this without even seeing the model or the sports car, which Ro-hul were talking of.

Before Jinks-Jaddu or any other player could realise what was happening , the damage was already done.

( Any idea - what the damage is?????)

The damage is-----)

Virat has challenged Rohit for a car race. Even though , Jinks and Jaddu tried to make Virat understand that it is not a good idea to race as the roads are not so good for racing but Virat was not ready to hear anything , he only wanted the race to happen to prove his point. Even they tried to make Rohit  understand it but he also refused to back out as Virat has challenged him.

So, after sometime the car race begins.

Virat and Rohit were racing against each other. And suddenly, everyone was shocked...............................

(What happened any idea????

Rohit and Virat's car collided with a coming truck.

Actually , Rohit's car was fast and Virat saw that a truck was coming from the opposite side. So, to save Rohit, he runned his car ahead . Rohit who was unaware of it, was shocked and in shock , the collision happened.

After the accident, Rohit and Virat both were taken to hospital. All the way, Rohit was there with his bestie Virat asking him to get up as he was unconscious. He was even present in the operation theatre.

The doctor  asked Rohit to accompany him to the MRI room as he was also injured in the accident . Blood was oozing out from his right ear  which went unnoticed by everyone but not by the doctor , who saw it .

After seeing the reports, the doctor was tensed  .

Rohit: Doctor, is everything alright? Virat is fine na .

Doctor: Virat is fine and he will be conscious after five hours. But..

Rohit: but what doctor???

Doctor: Sit down , Mr . Sharma ,is any  family member with you?

Rohit: No, my team is like my family . You can say them.

After which Jinks and Jaddu come .

Doctor: A tumor has bursted in your brain . The  particles of mirror from car has entered your brain . And you won't survive. You only have two hours left .

( Sorry, I don't know whether it happens in real or not . I just heard that a few days ago so included it in the story)

While the doctor was saying all this , a person entered.

" How can you say that you can't save my Ro? You need to save him. Nothing can happen to my Ro." Said the person.

Rohit and others were shocked to see the person..

" Bhai , aap yha kese?" - Rohit.
( How do you come here , brother?)

B: it's not important , how I come here. You are important. How could you be so childish ? I won't forgive Virat if any thing happens to you.

R: Bhai, it's ok . None will blame my vi for this. It was all just an accident.

After 4 hours ,

Virat got up and everyone was silent.

MAHI................ MAHI.............

Sorry for the cliffhanger. Next chapter will be on Ro's b'day and it will be the last chapter.

And kindly forgive me for all the shocks I gave .

So,  friends. I hope you all will like it. Suggestions are always welcome..

Keeping smiling and be safe  by staying home.

And yes, don't forget to vote and comment.

Mahiro ❤️.

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