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The train came to a halt, the white steam emitting from its chimney seeming as if it were clouds. It than hooted signaling the students to get off and so they did.

Taurus' POV

Virgo, Cap and I stood in front of the magic carriage which pulled itself. Our eyes filled with excitement as we were only a few minutes away from finally getting to Hogwarts.

"Do you not see that?" Virgo asked out of the blue, her gaze trained on the carriage. "See what?" Cap questioned. She tore her eyes away from the carriage and looked at us, her eyes searching for something. She turned back to where she was looking and seemed to be in a daze, she went closer to the front and seemed to be waving her right hand in a manner as if petting an animal of some sort.

I looked towards Capricorn, his eyes reflecting the worry and confusion which were held in mine, he went forward and grabbed Virgo's arm gently. "C'mon let's go, everyone else is already on their way" he said in a gentle tone. I than looked around and noticed that we three were the only ones left "Yeah Cap's right, let's go" I said motioning towards the carriage. I gave Virgo one last glance and got on as an eerie silence enveloped us.


The Great Hall as ever justified its appellation with its magnificent ceiling illuminating the night sky and the hall itself being lit by the light from a thousand candles. Four long tables were set each for one house with benches on either side, there were empty plates and chalices soon to be filled with the delicious food prepared by the Hogwarts' house elfs.

On the anterior of the hall were seated the very teachers of Hogwarts with Dumbledore in the middle with his signature white beard and a smile on his face. In front of them stood the great Sorting Hat.

The hall was filled with chatter as the students reunited with each other after a long time but it soon died down as the huge double doors opened and in came Professor McGonagall with the first years trotting behind, their eyes reflecting varying emotions ranging from enchantment, enthusiasm, curiosity, nervousnes, confidence and so on.


Taurus' POV

*After the ceremony*

The sorting ceremony soon came to end and I was greeted with the delicious smell of food.

Everything seemed to be back to normal.
Virgo seemed okay now, she and Cap were arguing like an old married couple, something regarding to politics, I couldn't care less about, I was too busy with my food.

I felt someone watching me, I looked ahead at the other table and was met with deep green eyes, the same ones I saw at King's Cross station. He caught me staring and smirked to which I glared, Ugh i hate this guy

He wiped his face with a napkin and than looked away. I sent one last glare his way and took a big gulp of water and than set my eyes on Virgo and Cap as I decided to join in their conversation completely forgetting about my exchange with Scorpio for the rest of the night.


The next day

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