Chapter 1

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Stephanie's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off it is 6:00am and my first day at college. '' Stephanie'' my mom shouts up the stairs,''I'm up'' i bellowed back, ''come on now hurry and get down stairs and have something to eat before we go''. i sigh ''okay''. i enter my bathroom, turn on my shower and brush my hair as i wait for the water to warm up. after shampooing and conditioning my hair i checked the time only to realise i had been in the shower for nearly an hour. bloody hell i thought im going to be late, i can tell im going to have a bad day today. i quickly wash my body then, reluctently turn the warm water off and step out the shower before drying my body. about 15 minutes later im downstairs and ready for the big first day. ''what were you doing in that shower, you were ages your going to be late'' mom scolds me i simply reply ''mom perfection takes time'' we smile at each other as i finish my pancakes and get up heading out the door to the car.

''and your sure you have everything'' my mom asks for the 5th time. ''yes mom i have everything, your worrying more than me and you dont even have to experience this'' i laugh to her, my nerves growing as i sit in the car outside the college. ''i know that but i have been through this before when i was your age so i know how you feel, good luck and have fun today and please try and make some friends''. ''yes mom'', i get out the car and head inside. the college is packed with all different kinds of people and if im totally onest i hate it, i dont do well in big crowds, i head up the reception desk and get my timetable before wondering off to try and find my dorm. as i struggle to make it to my dorm with all my bags some tattooed weirdo bumps into me, knocking me and my stuff to the ground. i tense up all of a sudden intimadated by his intense gaze upon me. he extends his hand offering to help me up. i accept and take it, getting up of the ground leaving my bags on the floor. as soon as our skin touches fireworks ignite through my body, why? i take a step away from him and clear my throat ''thanks for helping me up''. he smiles at me showing his dimples ''its fine i did knock you over after all its the least i can do, so whats your name?'' ''erm stephanie and yours?'' i say looking him in the eye trying to sound confident and failing. ''my name love his harry, harry styles''. omg he called me love why, he is so cute, wait what he breaks my thoughts ''do you want me to help you get your stuff to your dorm?''. i hesitate and he could tell i was uncomftable ''oh come on im just being a friend''. ''ok that will be great''

he sets my bags down on my dorm room floor, before walking over to me smiling ''well i suppose i better go now then'' he says but shows no sign to head for the door ''yea'' is all i can manage to say as i notice our bodies becoming closer. is he gong to kiss me or am i imagining things here, hang on we cant kiss ive only just met him and i have never kissed a boy before. what if im a bad kisser and he laughs, no this is not gong to happen. just as im about to move away his lips come crashing down to mine with hunger and need. my eyes widden in surprise before slowly closing as i join in with the kiss. not long after he pulls away looking very happy with himself he leans his forhead against mine ''see you soon stephanie'' he lightly kisses the top of my head before walking out my dorm closing the door behind him.

this is not what i expected would happen on my first day but im not complaining...

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