Chapter 10

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I woke up at the sound of my alarm at 7:10 in the morning. I slowly opened my eyes and frowned at the weird color of the ceiling. Red. In my sleepy state, I tried to get up but noticed two weird factors. First, I was unable to move for some reason. Second, an abnormal grunt coming from next to me. I forced myself to look down, only to find a half naked man with pink bunny ears tightly holding on to me, his head placed snugly on my chest. Faced with this situation,I...panicked. "What the Hell?!" I yelled. He shot up awake and hold tighter on to me. "What?! What happened? Mommy?" He startled. "Kookie?" I asked. "Y/N? Is something wrong?" He climbed up to my face in a flash. "Are you alright?" He worried. "Yeah, I'm alright..sorry. I woke up and was spooked when I saw you and didn't recognized this room." I explained. He smiled. "Ah, that's funny." He laughed. "I'm sorry for scaring you." I blushed furiously. Not only was he still half naked, he was right on top of me. He nodded negatively. "Don't worry about it. Sorry for calling you mommy though. You startled me." He added. "It's fine."

"Can you get off me though? I have to go to work." I complained. "Huh? Yeah, sure." He said as he slowly moved to the side. "Did you slept well?" He started. "Yeah, it was okay. Did you?" I replied, while searching for my shoes. "Very good." He admitted. "Is there a bathroom I can use?" I inquired. "Yeah, behind that curtain on the corner." He pointed to. I rushed to it, using the mirror to straighten my hair and washing my face, and rushed back to put my shoes on. "Are you...leaving already?" He pouted. "Yeah. I have.." I looked at my phone" 25 minutes to get home, dress something appropriate, and then do a 20 minutes route to the university, while trying not to be as late as possible. So I have to hurry." I said as I shoved my phone and my wallet in my pockets. He jumped out of the bed and hugged me from behind, stopping me from moving. "Kookie? What are you doing? I have to hurry!" I argued. "I'll only let you go if you promise me something." He whined. "What is it Kookie?" I soften. "Promise me you'll come back tomorrow!" He pouted. I felt disappointed "Ah... is this all it was about? You are just scared of losing a costumer is that it? Is that what yesterday was all about?" I muttered disappointed. He quickly spin me around and hugged me. "NO! Why do you keep thinking everything I do is because I'm told? I just wanna see you again! And I have no other way, other than here. So please! Just trust me! And promise me you'll come back to me tomorrow! Please!" He sulked. "Ok, ok, how can I even resist you?" I confessed. "You can't." He snickered. "Can I go now?" I pleaded. "Not yet." He exclaimed, as he softly cupped my face with his hands and kissed me gently on the lips." Good luck kiss! Now you can go." He gushed. " Aren't we...going a bit... too fast?" I confessed. "If you think we are going too fast, then you better come more often! If not, I'll hunt you down and kiss you more!" He joked. "My romantic heart!!" I exclaimed, blushing. "I'll be romantic tomorrow! Now go, before your co-workers decide to scold you, go!" He mused and I left running for my dear life, stopping only by the reception to drop the card.

I entered my apartment and dropped my bag in the floor, and dropped myself in the couch. I ended up 30 minutes late and because of that, my superiors gave me a scolding AND extra work today. While I can't blame them, that doesn't mean I enjoyed it. Now hungry and extra tired, I decided to search for some leftovers to eat. I dragged myself to the kitchen and opened the fridge. At the same time Eli called me. "Sup? So let me go straight to the point! Did you get laid?" She asked. "I'm sorry Eli, you know I love you and all, but I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now." I was honest. "Tough day? Fine, fine just spill me some details, was it good?" She nagged. "We didn't do anything alright? We didn' that." I admitted. "Are you sure? Cause RM told me, Kookie was exceptionally happy today! He also told me Kookie is not one to stay still, so I should ask you what happened. He says Kookie just keeps on teasing them. So, what happened?" She insisted. "He's...happy?" I confirmed. "Yeah. That's what RM said. So something did happened! Come on, don't leave me hanging! If you want motivation, then I'll tell you me and RM had sex yesterday. It was great! There, I told you mine, now you tell me yours!" She revealed. I dropped to the couch again. "You are...too blunt." I sighed. "I know. Now spill the beans!" She begged. "Fine. I won't tell you details but... we kissed." I heard her gasp. "I mean, it was more like he kissed me...I guess. I kinda blanked." I confessed. "OMG! For real?? How was it like? How did it happened? WOW! Explain immediately!" She almost yelled. I had to pull my phone from my ear. "It was...he was very gentle with me. He asked me for permission and was really nice and wanted me to be comfortable...especially after knowing it was my first." I explained. "Oh, you told him that? Ah, I feel like I'm hearing a script for a ultra cheesy k-drama, not a story from a night in the strip club!" She joked. "Don't joke alright?!" I complained. "But how did it get to that though?" She nagged. "I...can't really tell you... It was... I can't say it was out of the sudden but it was...kinda. I feel like...we shared a connection. Ah,I should clarify by now, that we mostly talked alright?" I asserted. "Whatever you say! I feel like there's something more you are not telling me but...I'm already happy with what I heard. I do have to tell you something though." She started. "What now?" I blurted. "That spoiled bitch you talked about yesterday?" "Yeah, what about it?" "She's Kang Soo Min. She's the CEO of Kang Microelectronics. They are the second biggest company of chips and microelectronics of this side of Asia." She explained. "Wait, you have never seen her face, how do you even know?" I complained. "I guess you haven't seen the videos then.." She muttered. "What videos?" "There are videos of you arguing with her at Magic Shop, with Kookie behind you.. I guess you didn't knew." "...OH SHIT!" I jumped from the couch. "Don't worry too much about it. Everybody is saying that she deserved it, and how cool you were. Kang Soo Min already had a reputation for frequenting... immoral places, and this just put another dent on her career. " She snickered. "If this interests you, there are also a lot of comments on how you and Kookie look good for each other." "Do we?" I squealed. "No. Just kidding, I think you two would look cute! It's not up to me unfortunately. Either way, stay away from Magic Shop for some time. Just until people get over it. Who knows what could happen?" She reasoned. "Ah... the thing is though.." I started. "Ah, I just knew you would say that." She laughed. "Yeah... I promised him I would go there tomorrow." I smiled sheepishly. "Of course you did, my little love-struck bird." She sang. "What?" "Just be careful okay? I'm hanging up. Me and RM are about to go get dinner. Adios!" She hanged up. There she goes again.

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