chapter 3

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The next day

* in the car *

~ jin pov ~

yesterday namjoon called our manager and talk about adopt a kid. at first manager kinda mad but after namjoon tell him the reason he thinks it make a sense a little. so today is the day we gonna adopt a kid.
"OMG I'M SO EXCITED!!" I said to them. "I can't believe it manager approve to adopt a kid"yoongi said.
"maybe manager want us to be more responsible though" jimin said.
" you arrive at your destination sir." the driver said to us while we were chatting. I didn't realize we already arrive at adoption center."we already agreed right to adopt a girl." I asking them."you are the one who wanted to adopt a kid so it's up to you hyung" jungkook said to me.

* in the orphanage * ( before bangtan arrive)

~ y/n pov ~
today I woke up as usual around 7am. it's kinda surprise me cause my roommate wake up earlier than me cause she always woke up late.

have I mention to you that's my roommate always punched me cause i'm mute? it's a no I guess.
lemme tell you about her well she's one of the oldest here she's around 15y/o and she always beat me if she mad or something or maybe she just wanna have fun. let's continue.

after i woke up the bully said to me
" today is an adoption day and the guests today is very special. don't you come out from this room understand!" . me as a mute kid have a blank face. "DON'T YOU SHIW ME THAT FACE IT'S SO FUCKING ANNOYING YOU BRAT"she yelled at me beating me. me being a kid crying the only things I can do.

after she feel satisfied she left the room cause the caretaker called us to go downstair. "don't you come out"she remind me again. I just nodded at her because I don't wanna get beat by her again cause it's so hurt. my body got so many scars that I got from the bully and my old father. some of the scars can't vanished it's permanent.
i just stayed in the room with my colouring books.

* at the downstairs of the orphanage*

~ jungkook pov ~
I heard jin hyung said to the caretaker he want to adopt a girl around 4 to 5y/o. I want to go around the orphan so I ask jimin hyung if he want to come with me. "hyung wanna follow me walking around here?" I ask him. "sure. it's kinda bored actually cause that girls always clinging to us." while the other talking to the kids me and jimin hyung walking around.

me being me just open the door of the room. after I open one of the door room I see a cute little girl sitting on her bed colouring her book while looking at us weirdly.

~ jimin pov ~

OMG I saw a cute little girl sitting on her bed and colouring her book. me being me as always I walked to her
"hi cutie my name is park jimin you can call me jimin oppa or chimmy oppa and he is jeon jungkook you can call him jungkook oppa or kookie oppa." I said to her
" what's your name" jungkook ask her. i saw her looking something and she grab a pencil and notes and write on it. while she writing the caretaker came.
" it's look like you found her"the caretaker said to us. both of us look at her with a clueless face. "as you can see her name is y/n she's 5y/o. she's a selective mutism." the caretaker said.

" why would you said that?" I ask her. she mention us to go outside to talk to her. "as you can see she have a pencil/pen and notes right" we nodded."a few months ago her father throw her at here cause her father believe she's the cause her wife dead so her father abused her I don't know how long and she barely talk. the first time she came she just sat down and do nothing i even talk to her but she just nodded or shook her head so u gave her the notes and it takes a while to her to talk she it can talk one word at times." the caretaker explain to us.

me and jungkook look at each other and had an idea. jungkook run to jin hyung to talk about it. I just walk back at y/n.

~ jungkook pov ~

I ran to him hyung to talk about y/n.
" jin hyung can we adopt y/n? Please" I pleading at him. "who is she and why would we adopt her, you young man" jin hyung ask me.
I bring him to y/n room while explain to him and the others following us from behind and heard us talking.

be continued...
sorry with my broken english

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