Drive carefully

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America pulled the black jacket up his arms and tried to clear his thoughts of last night. Something rubbed slowly against his legs. America stared down and noticed Toad. He was looking back at America with a calm expression.

The country bent down and patted Toads head. "Don't worry, Toad. I won't be long."

He knew he was lying. To himself and to his dog. In reality, America was going to the drug store. He had to pick up medicine for Toad and maybe a few extra pills for himself.

America heard the door close softly behind his back. He searched the sky but only found clouds blocking it. "I didn't think it was going to rain today..." America mumbled to himself and started over to the car.

Russia was usually back in the mornings but today wasn't like usual. America would normally be worried, but only thoughts of the nightmare passed through his mind.

After closing the car door, America started it up and backed out of the driveway.

America always found it weird that Russia had enough money to buy anything they needed and wanted. He knew Russia came from a lower class and he himself had been much wealthier than him.

But Russia had easily been able to buy them a house outside of the cities, despite America's disagreement.

They only reason America was disappointed in Russia buying the house was because he thought Russia couldn't afford it.

America constantly insisted he'd buy them everything. Clothes, food, etc. But Russia always declined the offer and simply took care of every little thing. It was like he had loads of money to burn.

Not that America felt any different. His parents would give him unnecessary amounts of cash. "You're the oldest after all," they'd reply. America strangely hated it. He'd always wanted to live a normal life. He didn't know what a normal life meant though, which is why he was always trying to find it.

The American was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even remember he was driving. Which came with a consequence when America heard a loud thump from the front of his car.

The car came to a screeching halt as soon as America heard the awful noise. For some unexplainable reason, America just sat in the car. His eyes were large and cold sweat dripped down his entire body. His teeth began to feel as if they'd shatter as they shook violently.

America bent his head down and whispered to himself. "Please, please don't be an animal."

As America slipped open the car, he caught a glimpse of something red. The red substance had stretched past the front of the car and America began to realize what the red really was. Blood.

There was an awful smell coming from the front of the car as America walked closer. It was as if sewage water had been splashed over molding meat. It was horrific to say the least.

America had gotten to the front of the car and froze. The bad smell had faded and was replaced with a ringing in America's ears.

He just stood in the road, staring at a body. A dead body.

Puke shot from America's throat and he bended over on the side of the road. His vision was so blurry that he couldn't even make out what was the floor anymore.

After choking one last time, the country stood up. His vision started to become more visible. Not like America wanted it too.

Unfortunately, America could see the body now.

The head was so mutilated it was unrecognizable, the chest wasn't as bad but there was still blood leaking from the blue shirt and onto the pavement, and the legs seemed almost undamaged with only a few bruises.

But the head still got to America and the situation was only made worse when he started thinking of all the times he had chopped up meat for dinner with Russia.

America had a sudden impulse to run over to the body. Which he quickly did without much thought. He bended on both knees and picked up the, still in tact, back of the country's head.

Warm tears bubbled up in America's eyes and landed on the mangled corpse. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!"

Faint footsteps sounded in America's ears. He shot up his head wildly and breathed heavily. He couldn't let anyone see what he'd done. What would his parents think!? What would his friends think!? What would Russia think...!?

America was able to make out the figure from the fog. They stepped onto the road and stared deep into America's eyes.


At least it wasn't an animal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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