trust issues( Elsa X You)

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You had just come home from a long day of ice harvesting, as tiring as it was , you loved your job. You even made friends along the way. You lived in Arendelle with your girlfriend. She was the queen after all. Every moment you spent with her was never a regret.
" Els, I'm here...". You said, closing the door behind you. You were now facing an angry blonde in front of you, " You're late ". She said coldly. You were confused, " what's wrong, did something happen".

Elsa looked down, not wanting to meet your concerned face, " Where were you, you should've been here over an hour ago".
You furrowed your eyebrows, " I got out late, that was all, You dont have to be mad ". You tried to grab her hand but she quickly flinched, " where were you"? She asked, and this time, she sounded frustrated.

" I just told you, I got out late, We got more ice blocks last minute and we had to deliver them as soon as possible". 

Elsa laughed sarcastically, " Oh, please". You bit your lip, " you dont trust me, don't you"? You watched as Elsa struggled to answer, " I take that as a no". You sat on the edge of the bed, " do you think I'm  cheating on you? Hey, this is the first time I've ever came late, just because I did doesnt mean I'm cheating or having another relationship with someone else because I'm not. I love you and only you. You're beautiful, kind and my shoulder to cry on... no one else in the world makes me feel like you do. I need you to trust me, okay "?

Elsa chewed on her bottom lip, tears forming in the corner of her eyes, " I really don't deserve you, Y/N". You pulled her into an embrace, " hey, hey... don't cry, its okay". She rested her head on your chest, holding you tightly. You stroke her hair, " I'm here". Elsa looked up at you, not even a second to waste, she pressed her lips against yours, you kiss her back, your hand gripping her ass.

You could hear the queen softly moaning, her hands roaming all over your body as you made out wildly. You pull away, before giving her a short but sweet kiss.  Elsa smiled at you, " please dont leave me".

" I'm not going anywhere". You said, smiling back.

after getting off of work, You and some of the harvesters would go to a small bar, where you would go for a quick drink. You would often get a water and hardly any alcohol until Julian, one of the harvesters, put an arm around you and said, " Aye, Mr. Bartender... get me two shots of your best vodka... one for me, and one for this girl"! You quickly declined, "no, that's okay... I'll pass...". Julian insisted, " one shot wont hurt... ". You sighed,  "fine... just one...".

The bartender handed the both of you a shot, Julian drank it without any effort. You stared at the drink in you shaking hands, " here goes...". You chugged the alcoholic beverage, "That wasnt so about another one". Julian and the bartender smirked at each other, " damn, Y/N, you're more tougher than I thought ". You emptied the glass in a matter of a second.

Kristoff, one of the other ice harvesters, Also Anna's husband, was shocked to see you consuming alcohol, he was worried you'd come home drunk, he just sat there watching you drink your third shot, already.

As hours passed, you were getting heavily drunk to the point where you were mumbling gibberish and laughing hysterically.

" I think its about time we head on home... its getting late...cmon, Y/N, let's go". Kristoff turned his head to you. You where nowhere to be found. Kristoff asked the bartender if he saw you. He was cleaning shot glass with a wipe before looking at him in the eyes,  " I dont know...".

He then heard giggling, which turned into laughter, it was coming from a booth in the corner, he walked towards it, before he was going to look, you jumped out from behind it, " BOO"! Kristoff slightly flinched, " damn... that scared me". He said dramatically.

Kristoff put your arm around him so you could have some support, due to the fact that you could barely walk. The two of you walked out.
Elsa and Anna were in a study room,talking. You were supposed to be here two hours ago, "  I'm worried about her... what if something bad happened ". Anna, deep down was worried about kristoff but she remained calm, " they'll be here soon".
As soon as she said that. Kristoff burst through the doors, carrying you on his shoulder.

"What happened?! Is she okay"?! Elsa asked worriedly. Kristoff set you down on the empty space beside the sisters, " She got drunk...way too drunk". Elsa looked at him, disappointed," you know I dont like her consuming alcohol, especially at night "!
You were just laying there, mumbling.

Elsa knelt down, to where your head was, "how much did she drink"?! She asked, your breath smelled like nothing but strong alcohol. Kristoff bit his lip, " 6 shots of vodka, then she got dared to drink 3 beers in one setting... so yeah ".

" and you let her consume all of that...I'm going to tell you this, and its your first warning, never let y/n drink any alcohol ever again ".

Kristoff quickly nodded.

Minutes went by and you had finally passed out. Elsa didnt even bother to kiss you goodnight, she just wiped her tears, and left .

You woke up, sitting up, you realized you werent cuddled up next to Elsa. You were on a couch, before you could process what was going on, a strong headache hit you. You hissed, " fuck... what happened last night". You sat up, your hand on your forehead.

A knock was heard and the sound of a door opening, "Y/N...its me Anna". You were glad someone was here to help you but worried that it wasn't Elsa. Anna had cup, with some warm tea.

" Anna, what happened last night... where's elsa"? You asked. Anna handed you the cup, " you got drunk, like really drunk...and elsa... well shes mad..".

Your face hardened, " oh fuck...". You were about to get up but anna sat you back down, " I'll go get elsa... you stay here". She patted you on the back before leaving.

You sipped on your tea, you were worried. If elsa was mad at someone, she would show it clearly, following a long day of the silent treatment. 

The door opened but this time it was hard. You assumed it was Elsa.

It was.

" good morning". Elsas said, coldly. You sighed, " look, I know you're fucking mad at me. I got drunk, so what? Why so mad? Its not like I went and cheated on you, something you always assume when I'm gone". Elsa slapped you across the face, she held her tears, " you don't know how it feels like to have serious trust issues ". You touched your cheek, " you're right, I dont know how It feels. That's because i trust you, whenever you're at some other kingdom doing stupid trading shit, I dont think you're cheating, or courting a suitor behind my back... I never doubted in our relationship but I'm having doubts now". You sat there in complete silence after. You could hear elsa softly crying and sniffling. 

You held her hand, but she quickly pushed it away. Instead she pulled you in for a hug, burying her face in your neck. You wrapped your arms around her, " I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry". You kissed her shoulder, breathing in her scent. She pressed her forehead against yours, " y/n"?

" yes, my queen".

Elsa took a deep breath," we've been in a relationship for almost 3 years, and I want us to last even more. I know destiny is testing our love but that doesn't mean it's going to break us apart. I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you. I knew you were the one right then and there. I am the happiest when in with you, and I want to feel that way for the rest of my life, Y/n...
Will you marry me"?

You sat there, staring at her, tears were streaming down your face, " Yes.. yes... Yes"! You screamed. With her magic, she made a ring. It had 2 snowflakes. It was you and her.

Elsa put it on your finger, " you're finally mine...". You shook your head playfully before kissing her on the lips, " and I'm finally yours".


Welp... that just happened.

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