(anna x you)

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The princess of Arendelle was the the only woman you ever wanted to be with. You fell in love with her from the moment you laid your eyes on her.

You were walking around town, it was raining quite hard, and obviously you were soaking wet but you just didnt care at this point. You wanted to tell anna how you felt, It didnt matter if she didnt feel the same way. Your feelings for her were getting stronger and stronger, you just wanted to get it over with.

You then heard soft crying, you furrowed your eyebrows, normally you wouldnt be surprised to see someone down in the dumps, especially if its raining but for some reason, you had to find out who was crying. You followed the sounds of despair, leading you to the clocktower, there she was...


She was sitting on a pair of stairs. You didnt even hesitate, you ran to her side,
"Princess Anna, what's wrong"?! She sniffed, "who are you? Were you sent by my sister to come find me, I'm not going anywhere"! You raised an eyebrow, " I promise I wasnt sent by anyone... i just want to know if you're okay, Princess ".

Anna's lips trembled as tears streamed down her face, " no, not really... I dont even know what to do anymore". She looked at you, " If I may ask? Who are you"? You were taken away by her looking at you, " Oh, I'm Y/N...".

She smiled softly, " nice to meet you...". You smiled back, " if it's any of my business, why are you crying? A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be crying". Anna started crying, " I caught my husband with another woman... was I not good enough for him? Was I not beautiful anymore? I'm not-".

You stopped her, " Quit it! Your husband deserves to rot in a called hell, he is going to regret ever hurting you like that. Princess, Believe or not, I think you're the most amazing, most beautiful and caring girl I've ever seen. You take my breath away with every time. I know you dont me much but when I look at you, it's like I've known you for years... I love you".

Anna's eyes widened, "you what"? You held her hand, " I'm falling deeply in love with you, your highness, I know you dont feel the same way, you're going through a really hard time but just know I'm here for you. I understand you're overwhelmed. Can we at least be friends"? Anna smiled warmly, "I would love that so much "! She hugged you tight.

it's been two weeks since you comforted the crying princess in the village. Anna's husband was the ice master and deliever, you were more than happy to find out he was banished, along with the woman he'd been with.

Now, you and anna were really good friends, throughout thce time you spent together, you got to know her better, you even met the queen. She was really sweet but you could sense she was being overprotective, and you didnt mind at all. You had to earn the Queen's trust, she needs to know no one, not even you will hurt her baby sister.
You and Anna were out in the fjords, sitting on an open field, Talking.

" if you got to choose, would you give up sandwiches or chocolate "? You asked. Anna grinned, " that's hard... but if I had to, I'd give up sandwiches, chocolate is never leaving me". You laughed, " the only thing I'd never give up is you thats for sure". Anna lightly punched you on the shoulder, " you're so sweet"!

You smirked, " am I really"? She nodded, "these past few weeks getting to know you have been incredible. And yes, thank you for not giving up on me". You smiled, " You're so welcome, and I'm never going leave your side, no matter what".

You laid your head on her shoulder, " I'll always be here". Anna felt something in the pit of her stomach, and it was burning with intensity. She looked down at you, " y/n"? You hummed in response. Anna lifted your chin up and pressed her lips against yours. You moaned softly as you kissed her back.

You pinned her on the ground, your lips moving non stop. You've been wanting this for years now and its finally happening. You slammed your tongue inside her mouth, Anna pushed your head closer to her, making the kiss even more deeper. You were both out of air, you guys pulled away.

" wow... that was wow...". Was all anna could manage to get out. You smirked, " same here, beautiful ".

Anna got up, " c'mon....its getting dark, and I don't want to worry my sister". You stood up as well, "Yeah, you're right. Let's go"!

"Wait... before we do, I gotta do this now".

You held her the both of hands, " Anna, I know we've known each other for only four weeks but I dont care, I've loved you for 3 years, it kills me to see you in pain, to watch you cry over some stupid guy that would never show you the same respect i would have. I'm so in love with you, i really am. I love you, Anna.... will you be my girlfriend "?

Anna teared up, "Yes! Yes! Of course I want to be your girlfriend! I love you too, Y/N"!
You were cuddling anna, it was around 2 AM, and you still couldn't sleep, you didn't know but anna was wide awake too. You checked to see if she was sleeping, her eyes were fluttering, she wasnt asleep. You kissed her forehead making her sigh happily. You smirked to yourself, knowing exactly what to do to make her "wake up". You slowly slid your hand down her dress, caressing every part or her body. You heard her breath hitch, that was your cue to continue.

Your hand stopped at your fully clothed core. You started massaging the spot but nothing came from the princess. You then pulled away from her, Anna quickly turned to look at you, " why did you stop"? You pushed her b ack on the bed, you kissed her lips, so soft and tender, to her neck, leaving wet kisses, and soon to be love bites all over her neck and breasts.

Anna's mouth was wide open, but yet nothing seemed to come out, just small gasps, "Oh- ". You were enjoying this as much as she was.

Just as you were about to continue even lower, the door suddenly opened, " Anna, can we... Y/n"?! You and the princess quickly sat up, your heads looking at the surprised queen at the door.

You scanned her expression. Was it sadness? It couldn't be?

"Elsa, hey... what's wrong? Why are you here"? Anna asked worriedly. Elsa tried hiding her upcoming tears with her hand, but the way her voice cracked told you otherwise. You stood up from the bed, " um.. I'll leave you two alone...".

Leaving the room, that's when you heard crying. You pressed your ear on the door.

" I think I'm falling in love with Y/N...". You heard the Queen's soft voice say.

Your hand was on the knob, but you werent even paying attention to what you were doing. You accidentally turned it all the way, the door opened, making you fall on the floor.

" Hey...". You said awkwardly. The sisters looked at you, "were you eavesdropping"? The princess's voice did not sound too pleased.

You ignored her, staring at Elsa, " Did I hear right or did you say you were falling in love with me"? Elsa turned completely red, " I have no idea what you're talking about"!

Anna sighed, " Please just leave... we'll sort this out later"! She snapped at you. You raised your eyebrow, " I have the right to know if I was thrown off by the mention of my name". Anna looked jealous, she was just hiding it with pure anger, " please just go".

You nodded, "alright.... I'll go".

You were starting to walk away when elsa stopped you with her hand, " no... stay. If you want to know, yes, I am falling in love with you but you're with my sister and I dont want to ruin that. I love seeing you make my sister happy. She hasn't smiled like that since that monster left. Please, be with Anna".

You smiled, " Thank you, your majesty. That means the world coming from you". She slightly blushed, " Yeah, it's not a problem... now I'll be heading to bed. Thank you". The queen left the room.

Anna bit her lip, " So everyone is falling for you, even my sister, the ladies can't contain themselves can they"? You knew she was trying to lighten the moment, but deep down you felt horrible...

You were happy that anna started loving you back but you werent ready for her sister to start loving you as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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