Welcome To The Anathema

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"Anathema means something or someone one dislikes." The officer paced the floor. "It refers to a disgrace, a curse. Sadly, that is what the world has made us out to be."

Luis paged through the folder he was given, the closing speech acting only as background noise.

"I know you're probably angry. That's okay. What happened to you was cruel and unfair." The speaker met Luis' eyes. "But you've made it this far, and for that, I congratulate you."

"We can use our anger to bring change to this oppressive world, of which only uses us, Powers, for their own gain. We can fight back, protecting ourselves and the young powers from the PPP." The group cheered. "Here at Anathema, we focus on balance. Light and darkness. Good and bad. Our job is to form a resistance, to protect the future."

"Welcome, all of you, to the Anathema."

Chatter filled the room, everyone talking at once about the upcoming test. Luis thought it was ridiculous. Their last 'test' nearly killed them, why should they be excited about another?

"Don't worry about it too much, it's basically an aptitude test. They're trying to fit you in with the proper job."

Luis glanced over at Griffin, who was now proudly displaying his uniform, running his hands over the iron-on patches. He could recognize a couple of them from the news: a faded symbol looking similar to an A and a healer's patch- the healer's patch would be mandatory for Griffin, Luis guessed. There was a lot of controversy surrounding healers.

He remembered the news the first time a healer was targeted in battle. It was good strategy, he thought, taking away a healer makes it easier to wipe out the rest. But there was a big argument over it. This was mostly because it wasn't just any healer- it was one of the PPP, and they took every chance they got to fight.

In the past, he might've said they were fighting for what was right. Now it just felt like another way they targeted people like him. But afterwards it became a requirement.

You can't target healers in battle. You can't hurt a healer. So it was for the best that you could easily identify who was- and was not- a healer.

"Hey, what's that patch?"

Griffin bounced a little at the sudden question. "I was waiting for someone to ask about that one! It's from GZ 32! It's for autistic pride!"

"Oh." Luis nodded before his group was called in. "I'll be back."

They took his folder, handing him a new one. "Here's the recommended schedule- although it is flexible as long as you complete training in time." They gestured to the front page. "If you want a change, you can apply for it, but it must be something within your aptitude test results."

Luis nodded, glancing at the schedule.

"Emergency Medical is required for all non-healers, obviously. And Combat Training for all Anathema. For the drone you'll be given a key to an assigned simulation room. Are you okay with the assignment?"

"Yeah. I think this will be perfect." Luis grinned to himself. "I'll start tomorrow."

"Good luck, Luis."

"Luis! What'd you get?" Griffin bounced on the tips of their toes. "Healing? Front lines?"

"Drone." Luis smiled. "I'm flying."

"Cool! I can show you around! You'll basically be on your own to find out where you need to be for training."

He nodded, fidgeting with his hoodie strings.

"So these are the simulation rooms. Your card will help log the hours you're in there to determine training. Next we have the tech rooms."

Luis looked on as Griffin started bouncing with excitement.

"I used to be pretty good with technopathy. Not anymore, after everything that happened with the Prendrey, but I still know how it works, and it's still fascinating."


"Yeah. It happens sometimes." They shrugged it off as though it was no big deal. Perhaps they were right.

"You're fine with it?"

"I'm not useless. After all, learned powers are a thing. I still know plenty."

There was a buzzing in the tech room as different parts floated around the room, going from one person to the next. They all chatted with each other, giving tips and sharing methods. It was a constant noise, buzzing around in his head, only getting louder as he tried to shut it out.
His head pounded like a drum as he started to walk out. Someone grabbed his arm, but he pulled away quickly. "I need to go."

"Luis? You okay?" Griffin reached out to him.

"I need to go!" He insisted, again pulling away from Griffin. The absent energy surged through his body.

Everyone turned to the two as the room went silent. Griffin opened his mouth, but nothing came out.


Luis started running, his feet pounding against the cement floor.

"But, your appearances-"

"Cause a riot-"

He squeezed his eyes shut, pulling the darkness towards him.

A hand rested on his knee, something to focus on. "Luis?" Griffin whispered. "Are you okay?"

He shook his head.

"Ok. Take a deep breath. Focus on me."

Luis woke up in his room, breathing heavily. His mind replayed the events that had happened, everything in the past- was it really only that long- only a few days?

He wrapped the surrounding darkness around him like a blanket, weighing his down, letting it flow through his fingers. This was okay. Everything was okay.

He turned to his side, spotting a piece of paper with scrawled out handwriting. It was barely legible, but still enough for him to read.

Dunno what happened, but I hope you're okay. You were barely responsive as we moved you to your room. Your binder's in the closet.

Don't be afraid to buzz me

-Griffin Z71-643

Luis smiled to himself, saving the code onto his Ewrist.

It would be a long day, but at least he had a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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