Chapter 2 ;)

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Is this the recording room?  Well, its not as big as I expected. After peeking through the glass door and make sure no one is inside, I open the door and sit on the chair. I looked around the room and I found a snack under the desk. I hesitantly took the snack and open the cap. Ehehehehe, it's fine if I eat some right? When I was about to eat, someone open the door and I look at him in surprised.

"Yahh!" I look at the owner of the voice, from top to bottom. Have we met before? I think I saw him somewhere but I don't remember. Maybe because of my memory already reached its limit. If it's not an important thing, my brain will automatically delete it.

"Yah, who are you and what are you doing here?" he gave me a death glare and I just stand up and introduce myself.

"I'm Han YuJin and I'm a trainee. I just started training officially today and I was told by Ms. Sara to use this room. You can ask her if you don't believe me." I bowed and went out from the room. I don't want to make a fuss on my first day.

I walked along the hallway and finally found my practice room. To be honest, I don't know why they gave me a practice room. I mean, I'm on training to be a song-writer, then why would I need a practice room? Its not like I need to dance to be a song-writer. Wait, should I read the contract again?

I took out the contract and was about to read it but stop when my phone rang. I reached out for my from the my bag and answered it.


"YuJin-ahhh!!!! I miss you!" I chuckled at the phone.

"Wae? It's been only a day and you missed me already?" I heard noises sound on the other line.

"Of course I miss babycake. There's no one we could tease anymore. And you know what? Our new manager is so scary!" he complained. "He always nag at us. I mean, even my mom never nag at me like he did." He continued.

"I believe he did that for your own good, Namjoon." Namjoon muttering at himself and I could imagine his long face when he knew that I was right.

"Whatever. By the way babycake, don't forget to watch our live performance on M!Countdown today okay?" I smiled at his words and nodded my head in reply although he can't see it.

"Is it today?" I asked as I looked on the watch.

"Yep. At 11.30 a.m. I will ask for your feedback later! Got to go now. Bye." He ended the call. 11.30 a.m? One hour to go. I turn on one of BTS' song and started singing along.

It's already 11:45 a.m. I open the website and watch the show but its not their turn yet. I waited for 10 more minutes and was about to close the web when I heard the fans screaming and I saw Rap Mon rapping on the stage.

My fangirling mode get hyper and I started to dance. If someone sees me, I'm totally dead. It must be embarrassing if people know my true self. Well, in front of people, I'm cool, a bit cold and  stubborn. That's what I know when Jin told me because I asked him how he think about me. I don't even know myself well. Huh, how pathetic.

Little did she know.....

Bobby's POV

"Wow, she's good." I heard Jinhwan hyung praised her. Well, I admit that she really have the talent and she impressed me and she'd improved  but somehow, there is one guy who looks unsatisfied with her. Plus, I'm confuse because I don't know what is she doing here and why? I have tons of question in my head. Suddenly, I started to feel worry.

"To be honest, she's not that good. Can't you see that she was fangirling over her phone like a crazy person?" B.I stated and left me and Jinhwan hyung at there and went inside the other room.

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