Can I just stay?

16 1 4

I'm lying down on the floor I feel how everything around me becomes foggy. 

All the colours become blurry and are now just big spots all around me. 

The floor slowly becomes soft, so soft that I sink into it. Slowly but surely my eyes close and my body sinks. I no longer want to feel life, I just want to sink.

I want to be gone.

But I want to be loved.

I feel how she holds me in her hands. Its warm and soft everything around me has this warmth to it. I just want to stay and be here for a while. No speaking no breathing just... It.

I'm small, that's how I fell in his arms, he just holds me and I could be there forever. The warmth of his body on my back. I fell how his hand's pas from my cheeks to my shoulders. The warmth slowly fades away and I just keep existing just a bit colder now.

As I slowly open my eyes the silent noise comes back and it's all gone. 

I'm back just a bit cold but I'm here again.

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