ep.23 "c-cucumbers"

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episode 23.

note: i don't know if cheetahs and black panthers are scared of cucumber, this is just for the laughs, thank you

You all waved goodbye to Jisung and Hazuto as they walked away. "Did you guys have fun?" You asked them as they all nodded their heads. You all went home and freshened up and you stayed home and decided to chill for the day.

You stayed in your room getting some work done for about an hour letting your hybrids get rested, until you heard a familiar scream, Seokjins scream along with Yoongi yelling at someone. You quickly got on guard as you quickly got up out of your chair and dashed towards the sound.

You quickly entered the room worriedly as you saw Seokjin and Yoongi in the corner of the room, Seokjin was behind Yoongi as it seems like Yoongi was yelling at the hybrids but still cowering into the corner, who seemed to be slowly going towards them, Taehyung and Jungkook were holding something... Green?

The hybrids seemed to be laughing and giggling at the two oldest being scared. You were confused and walked towards the group of hybrids saying, "What are you guys doing, hm?" You asked making them all stop. That seemed like a chance, Yoongi and Seokjin quickly dashed towards you, hiding behind you as they gripped on each of your arm, glaring at the group of hybrids in front of them.

You were confused as hell, once they had turned around you saw Taehyung and Jungkook holding a,... Cucumber? You almost let a laugh slip through your lips once it finally clicked in your head. 'They're still like regular cats I see' You thought looking back at Yoongi and Seokjin before looking back at the hybrids in front of you. "Guys give me the cucumbers, remember it's bad to play with your food" You said holding your hand out making Taehyung and Jungkook walk to you, each step they took forward is the steps Seokjin and Yoongi took backwards.

You soon had got the cucumbers and turned around making Seokjin and Yoongi flinch a little. "I'll go out these up, you guys stay here" You said before leaving to out the cucumbers back into the refrigerator and went back to the room.

You entered the room and saw Seokjin holding Yoongi back and saw your other hybrids moving back. 'I was just gone for a few minutes' You thought as you closed your eyes, leaning on the wall listening to them bicker. They finally stopped once they realized you were back in the room. "Are you done yet?" You softly asked, running a hand through your hair.

They all quiet down as they felt like you were mad at them, but you weren't, you just decided to tease them a little. "You know, you guys just started bickering making your punishment worse, right?" You said looking at each one dead in their eyes making their eyes widen slightly. They were all going to say something, but you held up your hand stopping them from talking. "Each of you, apologies to Jin and Yoongi" As you said that the younger hybrids quickly apologizes to them, bowing as they looked at you.

You then looked at Yoongi making him flinched visibly as a smirk was seen on your face, that smirk made his heart skip a beat as he diverted his eyes from your intense stare. "Yoongi, say sorry to then for threatening them" You ordered as he obeyed quickly. It was quiet in the room, until you couldn't handle it and started laughing, the tension in the room was dispersed. "Did you guys think I was mad?" You asked trying to calm down you laughter as they all nodded their heads a little.

"Don't worry, it's a little thing. It's not that bad to get me riled up" You said smiling as it seemed to make them smile. "I would never give you guys a punishment you don't deserve" You said half shruggung your shoulders before going to the door. "You guys hungry?" You asked making them nod their head as a response. "I'll give fix a little something to eat for you guys, now make sure you all get along" You said before leaving out the door of the bedroom.

After you left they couldn't get the sight of your face when you looked mad as those eyes made then shiver, their heartbeat had picked up a little before they quickly tried think of something else to get the dirty thought of their mind.


You pulled out your phone once hearing it ring and answered once seeing who it was. Before you could even talk a familiar playful voice said, "Open the door" And hanged up. You were confused and walked out of your room and headed down stairs and saw your hybrids glaring at the door. "Someone's out side the door" Jimin growled as you softly petted his fluffy hair calming him down before opening the door and saw who never thought you would see again.

".. Xiumin"

Ah.. It was your lovely..

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