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I held my breath and I could feel my pulse decreasing. When I collected air through my nose, I could feel the heat as I released it, ironically through a white sheet of coldness. There was still blood, but now it was dried to my skin. I licked my lips only to taste the rust-like taste of said liquid. I bet I look like shit right now.

For the first time, the streets were empty. Yes, just when I was looking for something, it was empty. I tried to listen to the silence, hoping there was something I could catch. It could be that fat pervert from inside stomping his way to me, but I could care less. I wanted something to atleast take my mind off of things this night just caused me.

I kicked a pebble on the pavement with my brown leather shoes before looking up to the sky. As usual, it was starless, almost empty and condemned. I knew the world was coming to the point where nothing could be beautiful at this state. In my time, when I got thrown out, no matter how much wars came through the centuries, there would always be large, twinkling stars. But that was beyond my point. This generation, you could hardly see the resemblance with the past ones. If only I had a time machine.

I heard a click from the door behind me, then it pushed open. The bartender was there, and he glared at me before going back in. The girl had come out of the club, escorted by the bartender, obviously. But before the bartender got back in, he muttered something.

“Hey you, take your girl home ‘cause she won’t be allowed in here anymore either.”

I did a triumphant dance in my head realizing that the girl I had dropped blood on the floor for was here. I had been worried she would fall into the wrong hands again, and considering she was awfully drunk, I’m pretty sure she would have been taken away in no time. Besides, pretty girls this drunk, they never end up in a good state.

I carefully put an arm around her shoulder to escort her. Her eyes were shut off, and she looked like she was asleep already. What was I going to do with her now? I thought to myself. There was a girl clinging on me, asleep and I had not known where to put her. Should I leave her on the street? No way.

Instead, I slowly carried her to a bench and laid her there. No, I wasn’t going to leave her there. I just decided that if I were to take her home unconscious, I should atleast look nothing like I do now. I looked like I was kidnapping her. I spotted a handkerchief in her pocket and as reluctant as I was to use some stranger’s property to wipe off blood, I just did it anyway.

Thick layers of blood were wiped off of my face after dozens of wipes to make sure no trace was left. Then I pulled out my phone to dial a taxi. Then thirty minutes passed before the taxi came. I had the girl sit beside me on the bench, and she was rambling things I couldn’t understand. She clung onto my arm before resting her head on my shoulder.

When the taxi stopped in front of us, the driver came out to help me with my unconscious company. He opened the door to the passenger seat, and I carried the girl to the taxi. Then a thought came into my mind.

“Where to, man?” the taxi driver had asked. Um, home? Should I really take her home? I really didn’t know what to do with her, since I didn’t know where she lived. She had a purse, but it was as small as nothing to ever fit an ID. So yeah, home it is.


            When we arrived in my apartment, she finally stood up by herself only to run to the bathroom and spill. I was surprised she even found the restroom by herself because she was as good as unconscious before. While she was throwing up, I brought her a glass of water, which she immediately gulped up finish.

            I escorted her once again but now to the bedroom, keeping up with her wobbling walk until we got to my room. I watched her as she eyed the place. Her blue eyes twinkled to each sight she met. Then my own eyes lingered to her little, plump lips. They opened to slowly gesture words, but then again, I couldn’t make up anything out of them.

            The room wasn’t as bad, as I’d look at it. And even though I had only spent three months in Memphis, I’ve learned to warm up to this place, my apartment. It was just small, and I made sure it was in a high floor just so I didn’t attract attention. There were only three residents up here in the 4th floor, surprisingly enough.

            And since I was fond of the nightlife—not to mention, it was the only time I was supposed to be around—, I decided to pick an apartment near bars and such. The landlord even called the apartment a “bachelor pad”, since it had been installed with “manly” furniture and décor. And of course, not to forget the humongous king-sized bed that caught all the attention across the hallway.

            Despite of everything being gray and blue and such, I still loved the place but not because of its manly vibe. The “vibe” was completely and utterly boring, yet the rest remained fully untouched except for a large closet full of clothes and two bookcases stacked with books from all eras I’ve been in. I wasn’t afraid to show them, since nowadays, it seemed great for people to collect things from olden times. I don’t get why, but every single book, or stuff I brought with me through everything, they mean everything to me.

            Before I knew it, the dark-haired girl I had brought home was on my bed. Her eyes were closed, and a little smile formed at the corner of her lips. It had not seemed for a second there, that before all this, I had been in a bloody brawl and a guy was trying to rape her. No, the situations did not add up. She was too calm here.

            I walked closer to where she lay. Her hair was flowing until her bosom, like a little river of dirty blonde strands of delicate silk. I resisted the urge to set aside the little strands that blocked her face, just staring down at her asleep. I never thought of it before, but she was stunningly beautiful. I can’t believe that I have this kind of girl in my house for no definite reason, I just really can’t. I couldn’t stop a smile from creeping up my face. She was just too adorable.

            “Lie down with me,” she mumbled. “Please?” Her voice sounded really childlike. It was like she was begging me to read her a bedtime story, and the smile I had just grown bigger. I got caught up in my head though, was it right to do as she said? I mean, I just brought her here because I didn’t know where she lived, and I couldn’t possibly leave her out there without feeling like a total asshole.

            Even so, I decided to do so instead, if that’s what’s going to make her fall asleep. I laid there with her, and she put her hand on my chest. I remained steady there for like an hour, literally. My mind just kept floating about, and her heartbeat was the only sound I could hear. I felt so strangled there, as if a single movement could wake her up that even my breathing was cautious. In the corner of my eyes, I could see her hand rising and falling as I breathed through my chest.

            Then suddenly, a faint sound came into the picture. I chuckled lightly. She was snoring, how cute was that. I don’t know, it does sound weird from a girl, but her little snore was just adorable.

            It was at that time that I had decided to slowly slip away from her. I let her sleep there, cautiously putting a blanket on her as I observed her soft snores. She was just too peaceful; I really can’t believe I really had a rough night for her. Did I bring home the wrong girl or what?

            I laughed. Impossible. She’s just less terrified-looking now.


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