3. Ratatatataaa ratataa

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"Wait, what are we doing?"

Remus was currently being dragged by Sirius and James through the busy streets of London. Lily was at Godric's hollow with Harry, so he had to be the voice of reason. He had a feeling this was going to get pretty weird.

It was surreal listening to James telling his "tail" about killing you-know-who. It was a miracle he was still alive. But he was also incredibly confused.

Sirius and James has burst into his house, dragged him out of bed, forced him to get some clothes on and told him that the war was over and that James had saved the world. Then he had to try piece together what the fuck was happening through his friends' brief, nonsensical explanations. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on but he'd gathered that it involved Peter and that it wasn't good.

"Oh my god," Sirius groaned and pulled Remus into an alley so they could talk without being heard. "For the last time: we are kidnapping Peter as punishment for giving away James, Lily and Harry to Voldemort!"

"It's not really a difficult concept, Rem" James sniggered.

Remus rolled his eyes. "Right, sorry. It's just that I wasn't aware that my friend was evil before today and I haven't even had any coffee yet since you cretins dragged me out here!" He sighed. "And anyway, shouldn't we leave this to the Ministry or Dumbledore? What will they say when they find out?"

James and Sirius exchanges a look and both grinned.

"Not when, dear Remus. But if they find out" They chorused. Remus groaned in despair. So they were doing this.

First they had to find Peter. He was most likely a rat, trying to blend in. So all they had to do was find a specific rat in the rat-infested London. Bloody brilliant.

"Accio Peter Pettigrew!"

All of a sudden, a fat, brown rat came whizzing through the air and into Sirius' clutches. Remus started as it squirmed in his grasp.

"Huh. Did not think it would be that simple."

"Ugh, at least have a little faith in me, moonshine." Sirius teased.

Meanwhile, James has transfigured a cardboard box into a glass cage. He'd spelled it so that Peter couldn't escape once inside because he's awesome like that.

Sirius threw Peter into the cage and locked it shut. They all apparated back to Godric's hollow.

"So, now we have Peter, what should we do with him?" Remus asked.

"Lets just keep him as a pet." James suggested with a shrug. "What's the worst that could happen?"

Harry Potter and the weird rat in the basementWhere stories live. Discover now