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When Jade woke up, her surroundings were not what she expected, causing her to jump in surprise. Looking around, she quickly realized that she was in a car.

"Did you forget where you were for a second?" a familiar voice asked. Jade turned to see Maylene sitting right next to her.

'Oh right...I lost in the final round and now I have to travel around with Maylene...'

"Uh...where are we exactly?"

"On our way to my house back in Petalburg," she informed her. "We should be almost there. I guess you did forget after all. I told you right when my mom picked us up from Slateport. About half an hour into the ride you looked like you blanked out before falling asleep. Mom said you looked like a zombie for a little bit."

'Her mom?'

"Well it's been a while Jade." a voice chimed in. Jade looked at the rearview mirror only to make eye contact with someone who just looked like an older version of Maylene with the only difference being bright blue eyes along with glasses. "We were all worried about never seeing you again when you suddenly vanished. I'm glad that Maylene finally found you. How have you been?"

"I've been fine," Jade said. "Just been working at the Pokemon Day Care until I decided to give contests a try."

"Well, at least you started seeing all that the Hoenn Region has to offer. Why don't I let your mom know that you're here and we all have dinner?"

Jade tensed slightly at the mention of her mother. 'I will agree to see anyone but her'

"We're only stopping at home for a bit so I can give Jade something," Maylene said. "There won't be enough time for all of that."

"Oh well. Maybe next time."

"Wait...why are we in Petalburg?" Jade asked.

"As I said, there's something that I want you to have so we're making a short stop back to my place. Then we'll be headed to Pacifidlog Town." Maylene explained.

'Something she wants me to have...whatever could that be?'

Jade never would've thought that she would see the day where she would return to Maylene's mansion. To be honest she never saw herself returning to Petalburg at all. Yet here she was again, staring at the front door of where she had spent a good amount of her childhood in. She felt numb at the sight of it.

Without a word, Jade followed Maylene into her home the moment that they had gotten out of the car.

"We should let our pokemon out to rest our in the gardens," Maylene said, pulling out her Pokeball. From the looks of it, Jade was fairly certain that she had a full team. "There will be plenty of room for them there."

Jade's suspicions were proven correct as Jade witnessed six pokemon appear before her eyes. Along with her partner Persian and Dragonair, there was a Buneary, Froslass, Gorebyss, and Lilligant. Upon seeing their patient stares, Jade quickly apologized and released her own pokemon. Though upon gazing at their new surroundings, none of them were willing to leave Jade's side.

Leafeon sat on Jade's shoulder, doing nothing but staring at Persian while Swablu curiously glanced around before perching herself on her trainer's head. Meanwhile, Delcatty and Marill immediately began showing hostility towards Maylene's pokemon as they hid behind Jade's leg. Marill glaring at Dragonair and Delcatty hissing quietly since all of the pokemon they were facing were female.

Jade could only endure it for a few moments before returning them all. "They'll just sleep in the guest room with me so that way they're more comfortable."

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