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Jade woke up to Sylveon nuzzling and licking her face. She squirmed around to see her partner's sister laying on top of her chest.

"Well...good morning to you too Sylveon. I'm guessing you volunteered to be my alarm clock today?"


Jade let out a small giggle before she got up and stretched. It had been about a week in Sootopolis and she and Niko had decided to stay here until the Grand Festival. Like always, Jade practiced with her pokemon every day.

As Jade neared the door, Sylveon quickly wrapped her ribbons around her arm, pulling her back. All the Intertwining Pokemon did when Jade looked back at her was shake her head.

"What are you and Niko planning?" Jade questioned.

Sylveon just smiled and led her back to bed, sitting her down. Even Leafeon was confused on what was happening.

"Okay...something is up and Sylveon isn't letting us out of the room." Jade said mostly to herself.

She watched Sylveon went into Niko's bag and pulled out one of her outfits. A sky blue sun dress.

Jade tilted her head in confusion. "You want me to wear one of Niko's dresses?"

Sylveon nodded and placed the sun dress on her lap, causing the coordinator to be even more confused and suspicious. But by the look that Sylveon was giving her, she wasn't going to get out of this easily.

"This is all part of you and Niko's plan isn't it?"


Jade sighed. "Alright, I'll put it on. But you and Leafeon need to turn around until I say it's alright to look."

The two eeveelutions nodded and faced the wall, allowing Jade to change.

'Guess I shouldn't really complain too much. It's mostly thanks to the money that Niko saved up from her journey in Kalos that let us just hop from hotel to hotel instead of being outside. This is the least I can do.'

She changed into the dress and then allowed the two pokemon to turn around. Sylveon nodded in approval. As Jade went to go put on her sneakers, Sylveon stopped her yet again.

"I gotta wear nice shoes too?" she asked.


"Alright, got any suggestions?"

Once again, Sylveon dug into Niko's bag, pulled out a pair of white dress shoes, and handed them to Jade, who put them on without much complaint. It was then that Delcatty came out of her pokeball to stretch. She looked at her trainer and tilted her head curiously.

"Not sure what's going on but apparently we have to stay in here while I get all dressed up." Jade explained. "Sylveon won't let us out."

Delcatty shrugged in response and sat next to Leafeon. On the other hand, Sylveon grabbed a brush and handed it to Jade after pulling the rubber band tying her hair back.

'What's Niko planning that I have to be this dressed up?' Jade thought but complied to the fairy eeveelution's wishes and brushed her hair. It felt a little odd having her hair down. She was so used to putting it in a ponytail so it wouldn't get messed up while she was working at the DayCare.

After she had fixed her hair, there was a knock on the door and a few seconds later Niko came in.

"Oh good you're ready. Good work as always Sylveon."


"Mind telling me what's going on?" Jade asked.

"You're about to find out." with that, Niko took her hand and lead her out of the room, the three pokemon following behind them.

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