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Jase hurried back to where his wife and pal were still in the dark of what was going on. "Babe I think we should order in what do you feel like having Brandon?" He inquired fishing his phone out of his back pocket. Brandon quickly shifted his focus from this fantasy that was slowly forming in his mind to his friend, "an Italian dish with a layer of lasagne,finely chopped meat and white sauce would be fine for me" he responded. Jase's eyes widened not by what his friend has said but because this is precisely one of the meals his wife loves the most, "ok you two please be honest have I suddenly gone dumb or you've talked this out" he asked not believing his ears.

"What?" Brandon wondered confused. It's just that the dish you've ordered is my wife's favourite dish and what surprises me the most is that you've ordered it exactly like her nothing added and nothing missing Jase told his friend still shocked.
Oh is it Mrs Soydere? Brandon snorted shifting his attention to Bella who seemed lost in her own house.

Bella flew back to reality unbelieving her ears. She had been listen attentively to Brandon not necessarily paying attention to what he was saying but to his accent,yeah he had an accent which echoed like music in Bella's ears. Everything happening to her right now was foreign not even his husband made her feel this way,she too was unaware of what was happening in her body she even noticed she was getting wet for another man besides her husband. Was she becoming weak I mean she just met the man but it's like her body and soul has known him since forever. No I need to fight this, no this is not me what is this man doing to me? she muttered to herself.

"Babe are you ok?" Jase worriedly asked his wife taking his handkerchief and gently wiping her sweaty forehead. I think I am catching a flu love it's nothing you should worry yourself about I'll just take the cold and flu tablets and I'll be fine she stammered back. 'Ok heart I almost froze for a moment there thinking you were going to faint and you weren't responding when we spoke to you" Jase said squinting his eyes still observing his wife.

"I think the lasagna is good" Jase told his wife, "of course bbe how did you know I'm craving it today with that white sauce and pieces of meat" Bella said almost jumping with joy.
I think you should thank my dear friend over there cause he's the one who ordered that dish,he answered back pointing Brandon with his head. "Oh you told him? Bella asked a bit confused, "no I didn't he just made the order and I was also shocked just like you love Jase confided.

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