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"Athanasia de Alger Obelia, your presence has been requested by His Majesty." The knight looked at me in disgust showing no respect to me as a princess. I didn't mind though. Nobody thinks of me as a princess anyways.

"Lily, wait here please," I tell Lily who held onto my hand tightly. "But, p-princess!" She stuttered, worried for me. "It's okay Lily." I try to calm her down but her grip only tightened on me.

"Lily, you are going to get in trouble, please let go," I ask her politely trying to release my hand from her grip. "Just promise me you will come back here alright? Please." She pleaded to me her eyes watering.

I gave her a wary smile. We both knew I couldn't promise such a thing because His Majesty was just too unpredictable.

Slowly her grip loosened and I freed my hand. Without looking back at her I left with the guard. If I die today at the hands of His Majesty I would be okay with that. Then I could finally be free from here and hopefully, my mother will greet me with open arms.

The entire empire believes I have poisoned the beloved Princess Jenette of Obelia. I was going to protest against this accusation and tell everybody that I was being framed but I decided against it. Nobody would believe me and honestly, it was nice to know that soon I'd be free from all of this. I feel bad for leaving behind Lily, Hannah, Ces, and all the others, also Lucas. I was also worried that Raven would also die with me but I wanted to be selfish this time. They would get over it eventually and finally be able to enjoy their own lives not having to worry about me all the time.

The knight and I appeared before two giant doors. The other side of them was His Majesty, the one that adores Princess Jenette the most out of everyone in this empire, and to him, I am the one who almost killed her.

The knight went in announcing I was here then looked at me, signaling for me to come in. Slowly I took a step forward through the door. Then there he was. He sat on his gold throne with a cold glare on his face and a red-headed knight by his side. I walked up to him and stopped a few feet away from the steps up to the throne.

"Greetings Your Majesty. Blessings and glory upon the Obelian Empire." I bowed to him. Keeping my bowing stance I glanced up since he wasn't saying anything. Even though it was rude since I wasn't granted permission to look up. He just continued to glare. I bowed even lower. But he still was silent and his glare remains.

I completely relaxed my body and fell to my knees with my hands hanging at my sides. Humiliation flooded into me rapidly. That was his intention. Not too long ago I was like this in front of him, crying as he just watched.

"What will it take for you to love me?" I cried clutching onto his clothes as tears stained my face.

"Should I become like Jennette?"

"If I do, will you call my name dearly as you do hers,"

"And watch me with warmth in your eyes?"

"Will you hold me in your arms... without pushing me away?" I asked him looking into his icy eyes.

"Such a thing won't happen until the day I die." He responded, emotionless.

"Why is that?"

"I'm your daughter too, father!"

"I was by your side much longer than Jennette!"

"You fool."

"There was never a day I considered you my daughter." He answered without hesitation. Only ice filled his veins and heart. Only he could answer with such hatred in his voice.

I finally let go of him and just sobbed there. In the end, I'll never receive my fathers' love. Now it is time I learn to give up and accept it.

"Athanasia." His voice echoed through the room.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" I looked up at him staying on my knees.

"You better not lie as I ask these questions." He threatened me. "Yes, of course," I responded.

"Did you poison Princess Jennette of Obelia?" He questioned me.

To him, he thinks I have poisoned her, and saying I didn't would be a lie to him. Mind as well give him the answer he wants and not prolong the inevitable end.

"Yes, I did." I lied. The silence was the response. I avoided his gaze not wanting to look at him.

"You lied. Do you wish to die?" His eyes seemed to shine even brighter as he was even angrier than before.

Here I thought he would be satisfied getting a confession ending all this right now. He wanted to kill me for a long time and now he has a perfect reason to. But now he says that I am not the one who committed such a crime?

"My apologies, I thought that is what you wished to hear," I explained myself.

"I told you to tell me the truth not what you think I wish to hear." He says remorse dripping from him.

"You and Alpheus both think I'm a fool?" He demanded an answer.

What does this have to do with Alpheus?

"I may only speak for myself for when I say I do not think such ill thoughts such as that of you, Your Majesty," I answer him.

"Listen well Athanasia, I won't repeat myself." I nodded slowly for him to continue. "You will have a trial in two months and you must win it whether you care to or not because not only will it be you dying that day but everyone else in the Ruby Palace alongside with you." He threatened as he stood up and walked toward me to the edge of the platform, stopping just before the steps.

He massacred everyone in the Ruby Palace after my mother passed and he threatens me that he will do it again if I die? There isn't a doubt in my mind he wasn't bluffing.

Taking a deep breath, I stood back up. "I shall oblige, with what you have ordered. Anything else, Your Majesty?" I asked ready to leave just wanting to get out of his sight as soon as possible.

"That is all. You may leave now, Athanasia." He dismissed me. Blessings and Glory upon the Obelian Empire." I quickly bowed before him again before turning around walking away.

I left his palace in a hurry wanting to get away from him. But as I reached outside into the nice evening, I slowed down and decided to enjoy the walk back to the Ruby Palace.

Now that I'm going to be quite busy finding the real culprit and proving my innocence.

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