She was perfect, beautiful long blonde hair, green eyes, tan skin,curves in all the right places, Nails always manicured. Face it Jessica is the kind of girl you would see on the red carpet, and she knows it. Popular and every single girl at school wants to be her.!
"So what did you do all summer Allyson?"
"Well we went to Italy and did a lot but nothing to great. I know you had an amazing summer Jessica, so spill the beans.!"
"Well I went to Florida and went sight seeing, stopped at like every amusement park. It was amazing I love the beaches I got so tan!!!"
"Well we better get our schedule so we know what classes we get, hopefully we get some classes together"
Jessica and Allyson walk to the front desk to get their class schedule, sadly they didn't get any classes together. All of a sudden the transfer students walk past the girls and all the guys whistle and wink at them. Allyson stared at them so Jessica had to grab her arm and drag her to the commons where they sit and talk till the bell rings for first period to begin.
You would think that with Jessica being so perfect that she would be rude like most of the girls that joined her group. To everyone's amazement Jessica was the nicest and most polite girl out of the group. She always stood up to bullies which made her even more likeable.
"Oh Allyson I can't wait to sign up for the clubs and sports. Speaking of sports why didn't you sign up for the cheer or dance team?"
"I'm just not really into that this year" Allyson said seeming a bit down.
"Well what's wrong. You know I hate seeing sad faces!"
Jessica really did care about people and hated seeing people crying or upset. She grew up with an abusive father who always hit her mom and was put in jail for drugs. Looking at her you wouldn't think her life was nothing more then perfect but as we all know, not everything is as it seems.
By time the first bell rang to head to class till the time the tardy bell rang all she herd was "I missed you Jessica" or " wow you look stunning today, great to see you again"
She smiled and replied, never rude to anyone.
The First few periods were long and difficult because if the teacher didn't give a seating chart her classmates would argue over who she would sit with. So she would let the teacher sit her were they liked.
When lunch came, every one in her group last year was back again and she even saw some new faces, but she stayed quiet and only talked to a few people in the group. She didn't mind most of the people in the group but she also didn't talk to them because she didn't like being part of their petty drama and rumors that went on.
When the end of the day came and Jessica got home she threw her stuff on her bed then then went to the kitchen for a glass of water she was so exhausted from school so she went back upstairs to her room kicked her bag to the floor, jumped in bed got all cozy and passed out in a matter of mintues.
I'm sorry this is so long but it's my first book and I want to keep anyone reading interested. Please tell me what you think. and comment Please tell anyone to read this I'm working hard and I think this will be a great book.
Thank you for the read and support.
~Cierra Morgan<3

Rumors Kill
ChickLitso this is my first story I've ever written please do not judge this. Jessica was the most loved person at her school and everyone wanted to be like her. until rumors went around and nobody wanted anything to do with her. all her friends left her s...