Saying Sorry.

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Jessica woke up hours later to a phone call, she was shocked to see who it was, her ex boyfriend Luke. She answered the call to see what he wanted.

"Hey, Jessica listen I know that you broke up with me because of the rumor that went around, but I promise you that I never went to Taylor's house that night. I can't even stand her, and I love you so much why can't you just take me back.?"

Jessica tried not to cry but Luke had ment everything to her and she didn't know how to respond so her voice shaky she responded

"Luke I can't do this right now I think we need time and space away from eachother-"

She was interrupted by Luke

"We only spent like a week together over summer then you left for Florida and while you were there you broke up with me and didn't let me explain myself. I think we have had enough time away from each other. Let me come over I'll be there in 10 mins. "

" no Luke don't come over I don't want to talk about this."

She wanted to make things right but for some reason she pushed him away.

"You know I still love you Luke with every piece of my heart and soul, But I just don't know what to say. You know what.? Come over I think we should talk face to face not over the phone. "

"Okay princess I'll be over in about 15 mintues I'll stop and pick us up some drinks, love you Jessica."

And she hung up, she couldn't help but feel bad. Now what would she tell him when he got here?

"Mom!!!!. Luke is coming over for a bit we need to talk and clear some things up so if you don't mind please don't come up to my room."

"Okay well I hope everything works out sweetie I'll let him in when he arrives."

About 20 minutes later she herd a soft knock on her door

"Come in"

"Hey beautiful sorry I took a little bit longer the line at the store was kinda long, but I got you your favorite, Starbucks!"

"Really? I'm still mad at you but this helps a little. Haha."

"So can you please just listen to me? You mean the world to me and I can't lose you we only have these last 2 years of high school left then it's over we have to stay together."

Jessica didn't know but Luke had planned everything out, at their graduation he would propose to her and by then they would be together for 6 years so she would have to say yes.

"Luke.... You cheated on me! I even had a screen shot of your messages with Taylor telling her that she was the best thing that ever happened to you, how do you explain that?"

"Baby I told you to go through my phone and look at my messages with her I have never had anything to hide from you"

"You could of deleted the messages."

"Why are you acting like this. You know I'm right. You know I didn't go to her house. You know you're my life and my future. Jessica I'm never giving up on what we have"

Now Jessica was crying in his arms she knew he was right and that she wouldn't leave him, everyone did for that matter.

"Jessica can I please have my second chance you can't give up on us it's been 4 years, and this is our first break up and it's over something that never happened. You know people are jealous of us and what we have. "

"Yes I was so stupid for even believing the rumors. I love you Luke, can we put this far behind us and never talk about it?"

"I love you too, and you just read my mind. It never even happened. Do you mind if I stay the night, I have plenty of clothes here."

"Yes they are all in the other room like always."

So now you have met Luke, Jessica's boyfriend. What do you think about him.? My chapters are going to be kind of long but this is going to be an amazing book when I'm done.
~Cierra Morgan

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