9. Connecting

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Frontera Springs, 30 miles away from Seattle - Miranda's house


"Leyna! Breakfast is ready. It's 9 am sleepy head. Have you forgotten Ragnar is picking you up at 10 am?"

"Mornin' Miranda. Don't you worry. I have been awake for quite a while now. I will quickly shower and dress. Don't wait for me if you're hungry".

"That's ok. Take your time, honey. No rush. I am making pancakes, homemade apple sauce, and my secret vanilla whipped cream. Do you want some berries with that?"

"Wow. Yum! Yes, thank you. I did not feel like eating, but you got me at pancakes!"

I get out of the rumpled sheets. Truth is, I did not get any shut-eye last night. Not one minute! I was too keyed up after the whole "revelation". My mind has been swirling with crazy notions, fears, questions, and images. I kept on relieving the events that have forever changed my vision of our world. I am not even sure I know where I am and what my life is supposed to be. Who is who? What are "they"? What am "I"? Is there such a thing as a simple human being? Are we all different? It's as if the axis around which my earth was revolving dramatically shifted, creating a different planet in the process.

As I enter the shower, naked and feeling vulnerable, I am assailed by troublesome thoughts: What if I am the only human, and they are all "different"? What if there are only a handful of them trying to capture humans? Are they good or evil? I mean they seem affable et al. but who knows? Who or what put me in the coma in the first place? 

Between these maddening questions that remain unanswered and my lack of sleep, I am feeling dizzy suddenly, and I have to grab the shower frame to avoid falling on my face. Gosh, I need a cold shower to quiet my emotions and face the day with a clear head.

Ten minutes later, I feel better, as if the water caressing my skin washed my troubles away.

Debating between outfits is not even an issue since I have pretty much nothing to wear, so that takes care of that. Though I am excited to finally have some time alone with the mysterious and hot Ragnar, I won't be able to make a dramatic impression by wearing a hot number. Well, I guess it's all right. It's not as if he hasn't seen me in my hospital gown, pale, with parched lips, hooked up to tubes, and god knows what. That reminds me that I need to speak with Miranda about getting a job. I have to make some money, get my own place to live, buy clothes, and find my footing until I figure out who I am and where I come from.

"Leyna dearest, please come down and get some breakfast! It's already 9.30 am, and Ragnar will be here at 10 am sharp, of that I am sure."

"Coming down!"

"Oh my, you look all fresh, and you are a sight for sore eyes with your hair the color of wheat, your fresh, glowing skin, and those jeans we picked up yesterday! The boots give you a cool vibe, too. Ragnar is going to melt when he sees you all cleaned up. And your deep, forest green eyes will jail his heart forever. Mark my words." Miranda states with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, right," I retort dryly, not feeling as beautiful as Miranda wants me to believe I am.

Anyway, there is nothing I can do against the minutes that tick down, and after forcing half a pancake down, I am on pins and needles waiting for the ...tiger?

"Oh boy, in what form is he gonna come do you think." I can hear my voice laced with panic, one pitch too high.

"Don't worry, dearest. Ragnar will come all proper and won't do anything to scare you. You can trust me on this one." Miranda says with a Cheshire grin.

As if on cue, I hear a roar coming up the hill, sounding like a wild beast breaking trail at full speed. The ground shakes when a massive motorbike appears and on it, in all his splendor: Ragnar. He spins it around in front of the house, spraying dust, which elicits an unhappy yelp from Miranda. Oh boy. This guy looks like he stepped out of a page from a GQ magazine. My shifter proudly stands on his metallic monster, his heavy boots solidly camped on the ground, his thighs molded in black jeans, his flat abs covered by a tight dark grey tee-shirt and his tattooed biceps bulging out of a black leather vest covered with patches. I can't see his eyes, hidden behind mirror glasses, but gosh is he handsome! The hot nurse became even hotter if that's even possible and a badass biker with that!

He looks up from the handlebar, smirks smugly, and calls, "Good morning, my ladies. Leyna, are you ready for some private time away from Miranda?"

I open and close my mouth like a fish out of water, gaping at him, feeling helpless as my feet take me to Ragnar all by themselves. I finally squeak a "yes" and place myself in front of him, daring to look at his face. Removing his glasses, he stares at me with a feral intensity that rings the words predatory and protective and engulfs me in a tight hug, whispering, "Good morning Leyna. I have waited a long time for this moment; you have no idea."

He smells of leather, whiskey, and wood, and boy, do I love that scent.

"Have you ever been on a bike?"

"Not that I remember, but then I don't recall anything from my past life."

"Well, fret not angel, we shall pop that cherry together," he says with an intensity that makes me realize he is not only speaking of riding with me on the back of his bike. His words send heat right to the apex of my legs and into my tummy. Wild butterflies are flying around, and I feel all woozy.

"Be careful Ragnar," Miranda warns as she comes down the porch to greet him properly. "You've got to remember Leyna is just out of the hospital and is not strong enough for a long ride, let alone a fast, hard one."

"Don't worry, I have her safety as my top priority. I won't put her in harm's way. I swear on the Gods we hold as most sacred."

"Ragnar? Do you often take ladies on your bike?" I dare to ask with a soft voice that makes me sound like a little girl.

He stares at me again with a solemn look and surprises me "Baby, I never take chicks on my bike. You are my first." He winks, and I feel myself blush furiously.

"Okay, let's go! Hop on angel, but first put this helmet on. Don't want to hurt that beautiful face of yours. And be careful with the pipes, they can get super hot!"

I climb on the back of his bike, cautiously placing my feet on the pegs, careful not to burn myself with the pipes."Byebye, Miranda, see you later!" I scream as we spin back towards the path down the hill.

Putting my arms around Ragnar's waist, I hug him tight, relishing the moment, and enjoying the feel of his ripped abs as we ride towards my new life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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