Part 41

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I rolled over on the bed seeing the alarm clock blanking at 7:30 am. I looked over and saw Aries knocked out smacking my lips knowing its gonna be a little minute trying to get her up. I kissed her head than her belly before getting out of the bed to do my hygiene. When I finished I walked out of the room she was on my side holding my pillow sleep still. I smiled before going downstairs to fix us some breakfast. When I got downstairs I saw bags by the door I started to press the intercom button and wake everybody in here up. But I remembered Ai called last night so that means my niece here.

I went Into the kitchen and got started on some breakfast. When I got done with the bacon Ai came downstairs with Willow in her arms I smiled grabbing her "Why you gotta look like him" I said making Ai laugh. I didn't like her little boyfriend or baby father whoever that nigga was "Stop we not together anymore" She said making me smile that was the best news I got today. She moved around the kitchen grabbing plates I put Willow in her highchair she had here. "What happened?" I asked wanting to know more because I was gone go find him anyways with or without her permission. "Ugh. He just not being a father to our daughter and I hate it I take up for him all the time but I'm tired of it now" She said sitting down at the island chair. I looked at her with my face scrunched up "Where he at?" I asked fixing her a plate she looked at me before shaking her head "I don't know and don't care" She said shrugging her shoulders grabbing the plate I made her.

"Baby wake up I got a surprise for you" I said between kisses I left on her face. She pushed my head back with a small smile on her face "Babe it's 8 in the morning" She said whining looking at the clock. I shrugged my shoulder pulling the cover off her exposing her naked bottom half. I rubbed my hand over her stomach with a smirk on my face today was the day. "I cooked you breakfast though and I have somewhere to be this morning" I told her making her sit up and look at me "G where you going?" She asked with her eyebrows raised. I pecked her lips before getting up from the bed "Grown man business" I said before walking toward the closet to find me some to wear. I heard her chuckle making me shake my head "Pooh relax go eat the shower gone be ready when you get done" I said grabbing my clothes walking off toward the bathroom to get in the shower myself.

When I walked out she was coming out of the closet with her bath towel and robe on. I watched her every move "You know I love you right?" I asked looking at her as she looked at me with a smile on her face "You better because your daughter hurting me" She said leaning on the bed taking deep breaths. I walked over to her rubbing over her stomach "You good Pooh?" I asked she nodded her head as she stood up straight "It probably was Braxton hicks and I love you too babe" She said breathing in and out walking off to the bathroom.

I pulled my phone out texting the group chats with everybody in it expect for Aries. I hope everybody was in motion for this because it was happening today "I got it from here" Ai said coming into the room with Willow on her hip. I nodded my head grabbing my keys and wallet "She loses breath fast so she was gone be complaining" I told Ai ahead of time since she was going be here with Aries for a few hours. She nodded her head "I got this bonehead" She said making both of us laugh and laugh harder when Willow started laughing as well "What you laughing at Low" I said calling her by her nickname I gave her. I kissed her forehead than Ai before walking out the door "See y'all in a bit love y'all" I said walking down the stairs out the house I had to make a quick stop.

"Thank you, man, I appreciate it a lot" I said slapping hands with Mr. Rodriguez pulling him into a man hug. I had to pick up Aries's gift from over here since she stays being nosey and like to see what I bring in the house when I go out and shop for our daughter. "What time should I be there?" He asked making me think of a time because black people never show up on time "12 you gone need a ride?" I asked before grabbing the bags with the stuff I bought for Aries. He shook his head "Mac gonna come get me" He said. I nodded my head "Aight pops see you later" I said before walking out the house. I got in my car as my phone ringed I looked and saw it was Niyla

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