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━━━━━━ weed gets you high

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━━━━━━ weed gets you high.

"I bet you fifteen dollars that pig Swan is gonna bust someone's ass tonight." 

Jesse licked his teeth slowly, leaning back in the driver's seat with a couple of squeaks here and there, lidded eyes heavy with sleep and a slight pinch of dryness. He could feel his nose hairs burning as he inhaled the scent of pot into his lungs, licking at his dry lips. 

Nikolai Kuznetsov sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window covered in speckles of dirt and remnants of dried spit from when they would try to hawk up a loogie to launch out the window when Jesse was driving down the street behind a small mountain for their daily smoke session.

It was a trail surrounded by the smell of wet soil, and raindrops sliding down floppy leaves that stuck onto the never ending branches spreading out over the bark. Lucky for them, the spot never seemed to have any cops roaming around since they technically were trespassing. It officially became "their spot" when it was the only place they thought of to smoke away from peeping eyes. 

Bruised elbows and red, irritated blotches of skin would always be an outcome when they were back on the roads and right back into the very place they wanted to escape in the first place. 

Kol Levski sat behind the driver's seat, biting at the skin of his nails before he spoke, "Supposedly his daughter is coming back to town." He pushed his dark, curly hair out of his face, the ringlets flopping back to where they were just a second ago.

Jesse could see Nikolai furrow his dark brows, sitting up in order to look through the rear view mirror and directly at Kol who now had his head leaned against the window. He blinked slowly, eyes red and watery, "And how did you come across that?"

Zhoung snorted. It wasn't a short, flat snort. It was kinda long, and as ugly as it could possibly be ─ dry as well. "His mom works with him, you little shit. All that weed is finally getting to your fat fucking head." 

all the rage ─ e. cullenWhere stories live. Discover now