Chapter 11: August's POV

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It was nearing eleven in the evening, most of the pack had gone home for the night the only people who were left were high school students and people who weren't mated. Raven and Ella were somewhere around probably chatting with others. I just sat in front of a bonfire, holding a Styrofoam cup full of hot chocolate in my hands to keep them warm. For a September evening it was quite chilly. I keep my eyes on the blazing embers, losing my thought. The crackling of the wood burning soothed me. I was pulled out of my thought when someone sits on the log right next to me. I jump slightly and look at the intruder, who had turned out to be Onyx.

"Hey kiddo," She sighed.

"You are aware I am older than you?" I looked over at her laughing.

"Very aware," She huffed out a laugh.

"Well, what brings you over here?" I asked her.

"I'm really exhausted from talking to a lot of people I don't even know that well." She says turning to me. "I mean I feel like I've sweated buckets because of tonight, do you think I did alright during the ceremony?" She questions.

"I think you did perfect. I think Alpha Alexandre is going to be a great leader, you're going to be a great Luna." I nudge her with my shoulder, smiling.

Someone sits next to Onyx and I notice it's Alexandre and my head automatically goes down in submission. "I'm glad you think so little Omega, but I still have a long way to go." Alexandre lets out a breath, the heat of his breath making a small cloud. His breathing was heavy as if he had just got done running, which was a big possibility because tonight being the full moon. Both Alexandre and Onyx were in their normal clothing and out of their ceremonial wear.

"Did you not transform?" Onyx asks me.

"No I don't really feel like doing it tonight," I mumble under my breath, the lie came easily.

"Really, it's the best night to do it!" Onyx looked up to the moon. "I love the feeling of the moon goddesses blessing." She hugs herself, closing her eyes with a big grin on her face.

"I do as well, I'm just feeling a little unwell still from what happened earlier this week." I hoped that they would drop the topic of transforming into my wolf.

"Makes since," Onyx shrugged. Suddenly the air fills with awkwardness.

"So how did y'all meet each other?" I asked, trying to break the ice.

"Our parents were best friends and well the rest was history, now we're just waiting until Alex turns 18 and then we're going to mate." Onyx joyfully said. "He used to be a little shit to me though, I remember there was one time when I was like 6 and he was almost 8 and he put worms in my shoes. I swear my dad almost strangled him." She laughed, Alexandre wrapped his arm around Onyx hugging her to his side.

"Um, let's not forget the time you put Nair in my shampoo and I was bald for a week before my hair decided to grow in a little." He smiles at her, looking her in the eyes.

"Oh PA-LEASE, what about that time you put itching powder in my bed and I had an allergic reaction to it." She shoves him away.

"Hey, I'm still sorry about that love. In my defense though you put spiders in my bed." He put his free hand in the air in a defensive manner. "You did look quite funny with a swollen face though, I'm not gonna lie."

"Oh the big scawwy Alpha is afraid of spiders August, use that to your own discretion." She starts turning red with her laughs.

"Don't you dare tell anyone little Omega." He looks at me, I again avoid eye contact. "At least I wasn't afraid of furby's until I was 14."

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