part i | chapter iv

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"So, like, why does Yuffie call you Squall?" [Name] looked around Leon's room. There were a few framed pictures on the wall. Mostly of him and the rest of the Traverse Gang, but some of them had a guy with spiky blond hair. His RBF was just as bad as Leon's, if not more. [Name] wondered if she would sucker punch him with her fist or her friendship if they ever met.

Leon was actually trying to take a nap but, just like a little sibling, [Name] came in to pester him. He sighed, "Because that's my name."

"But you said your name is Leon?" She furrowed her brows. "Now I'm even more confused."

"Squall Leonhart," The man pinched the bridge of his nose. "My full name is Squall Leonhart."

[Name]'s face heated up with embarrassment at the obvious revelation, "Oh. I guess that clears that up." She went back to viewing pictures and stopped at one that appeared to be a family picture, but it was torn on the bottom left corner, removing someone from it. All that could be seen was the top of their [h/c] head.

There was a [e/c]-eyed woman with long [h/c] hair held back by a yellow headband wearing a white knitted turtleneck sweater and blue jeans. Next to her was a man with shoulder length dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and green eyes, wearing a baby-blue button up, khaki slacks, and dog tags. In front of the man was a young man, about 15-or-so, with short, unruly brown hair and light blue eyes wearing a simply t-shirt and jeans.

"Woah, Leon," she looked closer at the picture, specifically the teenager. "is— is this you?" There was no obvious scar on his face and he looked, well, genuinely happy. It was hard to tell at first. Grief can do a lot to a man, [Name] guessed, both mentally and physically.

Leon came to the conclusion that getting a nap in would be next to impossible while in [Name]'s presence unless she was napping herself. He held back his groan of annoyance and stood up to see what she was talking about. Plucking the frame off the wall, he held it in front of him

The man moved back over to his bed and sat down with the picture if his hands, staring longingly at it. "Yeah. That's me, my dad, and my mom. Well, step-mom, but I never knew my real mother so she filled that spot."

[Name] followed behind him and pointed at the empty corner, "Who was there?"

"My sister," He looked away from the picture and at the teen girl. "I didn't tear her out if that's what you're thinking."

"I know." She nodded.

"What about you?" Leon sat the picture down on his nightstand. "You got any family?"

[Name] plopped down beside him and leaned back on her hands, "Dunno."


Ever since [Name] had left Traverse Town with Sora, things had been exceedingly slow. Few heartless remained after Sora had closed the keyhole and it was quiet without [Name]'s shenanigans. Leon sat in the secret waterway, admiring the mural on the far wall while mindlessly wiping down his gun blade. He supposed it was a good thing; the heartless were less of a nuisance and [Name], well, she finally got to go on that adventure she wanted and see what the galaxy had to offer.

"Jeez Louise, Squall. If you keep wiping it down there won't be much of a blade left to wipe."

Leon paused his ministrations at Yuffie's outburst. "That's Leon."

The ninja rolled her eyes at his short response, "You're as bad as Cloud. Moody, broody, attitude-y, I tell ya."

"Well, at least I don't wrap bandages around my sword," Leon snorted. "What the hell's that supposed to even do?"

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