chapter 2: New Faces

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(I don't own any katekyo hitman reborn and kingdom hearts characters and settings. Please enjoy)

Tsuna P. O. V

"Sayounara tus-ku"

"Sayounara Tsuna san"

"Sayounara tauna"

"Sayounara Juudaime"

"Sayounara everyone" I waved to my friends and then my whole body started to hurt like hell.

"God my body hurts so much". Bong .

Reborn kicks my back and I feel to the ground. "Damn tsuna it seems that you still have a lot of training to do."

"Eek come on reborn just let me rest for once" I Said to reborn while getting up. I looked at reborn and he glared at me.

"How can I let you rest. You are to become the boss of the vongola soon. You need to train to protect those you love. " I hate when reborn talks to me like that because I know that his right.

As reborn and walked home we saw a young pretty women with dark brown hair and next to her a beautiful girl with long light hair walking while laughing . I blush alittle.

Reborn kicked my head hard "Oww reborn that hurts" then reborn looks at me "Oy dame tsuna I thought you liked Kyoko."

"I do but....." I look at the girl again at the young lady looked at me and whispered something to the girl with long light brown hair.

The girl eye corners me and smiles. I then look the other direction. " hey tsuna they don't look like there around." I then look at reborn. "Your right maybe there tourists or maybe they moved here." Then we continued walking.

We made it home. I opened the door. "Tadaima"

"Ooo welcome home Tsuna." Mom said while picking from the kitchen. "Tsu-ku wash your hand before dinner." I node my head to mom

" Okay okaasan." I finished washing my hands and then I went to the kitchen. fuuta, bianchi,Lambo, I pin and reborn we're already sitting. I took my seat and mom started putting the foods on the table.

I grab my plate."Itadakimasu" we all start to serves ourself some foods. Mmmmm mom cooking is the best. As I was about to serve myself more food mom called my name.

"Tsu-ku today I saw my best friend that I haven't seen for year in the shopping district. Apparently she started living in namimori 2 day ago."

Mom looks really happy. I like the idea that mom friend came to nnamimori. She would have someone to talk with. "Tsu-ku I invited her and her daughter over for dinner tomorrow if you don't mind." I shake my head. "No problem mom I'm happy that you saw and was reunited with your friend again." " I know right"mom smiled.

"Mama I will help you cook tomorrow." God no. If we let bianchi cook she'll make piosion cooking and that might kill our guest tomorrow.

"Hey tsuna do something." Reborn treatment me "Eeeehh why me" I look at reborn and Leon transformed into a mallet. God I'm dead. Please don't kill me

" bianchi instead of cooking why don't you buy some decoration to put in the house for okaasan friend."

"Good idea tsu-ku. bianchi chan you don't mind buy some right."

"Not at all mama." bianchi smiled to mama.

"Yay were having quest"said I pin. "Haahaahaa I'll show them what an awesome hitman I am." Lambo said.

As we finished eating i got up I bowed to okaasan" thank you for the meal." okaasan I'll going to clean my room. "Okay tsu-ku" I put my plate in the sink and went upstairs.

I tidy up my room and then layed back on my bed. Reborn then came to in front he window. "You seem very happy dame tsuna " I shock my head but inside I actually was because I saw a beautiful girl and her eyes looked at me. I then got Really tired and changed into my pajamas and brushed my mouth and went to bed.

Reborn was already sleeping. I look at the ceiling and imagine the beautiful girl. I smile and blush. I wish I could see here again I said as I fell asleep. I could see with the corner of my eye that reborn smirked alittle.

I hope you enjoyed the story its kinda boring right now but it will get better when it starts getting more into the story. Please leave a like or comment if you would like me to continue.

Arigato. Ciao Ciao.

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