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The damp air clung around the figures, standing on opposing sides of a flickering light. Grime and dust swirled between them in the air currents, touching the rusting metal walls that held tightly to the dark red scrapping. Blood laid dry at their feet, with a few open wounds releasing brighter and fresher blood in one of the figures.

"Spider, this is your mission," The taller agent said wearing a black military style outfit with squared off shoulders. His fair was combed to the side, revealing a brilliant shade of blue that followed a person across the room. The man threw down a manilla folder, a few of the papers scattering outwards, including very distinct photographs. "Eliminate both targets."

The first was of a young teenager with red hair hanging low beside her face. Her slender lips were pressed together, and her eyebrows drawn tight as if this were a mugshot. Beside it was of the girl but older, a young woman with cropped off red hair that landed above her shoulders. She wasn't paying attention in this one, instead looking behind her shoulder in a tan jacket with black pants.

The second figure was a dark haired male in a very, very old photo that was taken with a rich tannish. The man in an old, American military outfit stood with a smile across his lips, holding the tip of his hat. The other was more modern, the colors precise and focused. The man's lower face was covered by a metal mask, and his eyes were a dark color with a ring of black circling the edges. His hair was grown out in dirty strands to the sides of his face.

Another photo was handed to him, this one of a tall tower that peaked above the New York skyline. The tower was shaped like an "A", resembling the logo of HYDRA's main enemies, the Avengers, a collection of heroes that worked together to protect Earth.

"HYDRA will finally tie up loose ends," The man said even softer than before, looking clean and fresh despite his surroundings. He looked around with disdain, wondering why he couldn't have meet with the subject somewhere that was cleaner.

The other figure, the subject, known only as the Spider, nodded, years of only giving mission reports straining his vocal cords. He always wore his mission outfit, a black suit with a vest and a mask. He had two cuffs attached to his wrists, that shot a chemically engineered rope made to mimic that of a natural spider's.

The Spider, true to his name, was 50% the animal. His DNA was mixed with that of the spiders when his embryo was placed in a woman's womb, who was a HYDRA agent who volunteered for Project Perfect Soldier. The Spider had never met that woman, but apparently she was killed right after they confirmed the Spider was healthy.

The Spider's true parents were the people in the pictures, the people that needed to be eliminated. Natasha Romanoff, former spy of Russia given the codename Black Widow, and a trainee of the notorious Red Room. James Barnes, the former Winter Soldier, once an ally of Captain America in World War 1, he was converted to an assassin by HYDRA. The two had their DNA and reproductive cells taken, and the byproduct was the Spider.

"I am sorry, Mama, Papa, but I must eliminate you," the Spider whispered, leaving the compound to swing to the Avenger's Tower.

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