Chapter 1: The Rescue

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Brad scooted his chair backwards and sat down as he clicked a pen and opened his journal. He began to write.

"It's crazy how much everything has changed since Binjpipe took over the city. She claimed her first victim not too long ago; one of my peers, Cookie. I mean I guess he was alright, I didn't know him too much. However, my best friend Schmitty did. He worked with him. The day that Binjpipe snatched up Cookie, I had to take action. I used the best of my abilities to get Schmitty out of there before he was in Cookie's Place. He's currently living with me until I know it's safe. However, I still have to continue my job as a serial killer. I wish I didn't feel like I have to do this. Screw my dad for making me who I am today. I don't want my victims finding out that I'm caring for him like a boyfriend, so I have him act like he's in distress. It always works and has my victims shivering.

Oh, and one more thing.

How do you get out of the friend zone?

He closed the journal and placed it in the bookshelf and stored the pen in an empty mug. He walked down the hallway and entered the room where Schmitty was being held. "Hey, Schmitty. You hungry or thirsty or anything?" "I'm fine." Schmitty replied. "But can we talk?" "Oh sure. Absolutely. What's up?" "So I've been thinking for a while now, and I've realized that you've been so helpful and sweet and nice to me despite my temper and my attitude, so I was thinking maybe...can we be more than friends? I mean, it's OK if the answer's no, but...
Brad's heart began racing and he was redder than The Red Herring. "I've had the same feelings honestly, so...absolutely."

[REDACTED] x Schmitty: You're Safe with MeWhere stories live. Discover now