Aren't you so lovely..

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You back up away from the man, as he leans his back against the door, you wonder what he wants with you. "Please, sir, i promise i don't have anything you want. Please don't hurt me.." Your words earn you a small chuckle from the man. "Trust me sweetheart, if i wanted to rob you, i would've done it on the streets." The man pulls back his hood to reveal an all too familiar mask. Your heart begins to race, Your eyes wide and full of bewilderment, You step back further until your back is met with the wall. "You-You're Mr.Compress" You stutter, stretching out the last letter of your sentence. You're terrified, but you have this weird feeling, almost like...Butterflies.

      "Why yes, yes i am. You're a bright one aren't you." He bows in front of you. His whole demeanor changed from terrifying to...charming. "Why- um.. Why are you here." He may be the man of your dreams, But he's still a villain, and he's in your house. "Oh! yes i almost forgot to mention that didn't i." He chuckles, sounding very sarcastic, he takes a few steps closer to you. "Well, you ran into me earlier on your way to wherever you were going and, well, it just so happened that you dropped your phone. Naturally of course i picked it up and noticed it was on. So, in my villainous ways, I peeked through a few things."

Now you're wondering just what this man saw that intrigued him so much. He could've at least just handed your phone back instead of following you all the way home. "You're obsessed with me, aren't you." His sudden change in mood caught you off guard. "I-I'm sorry what?" He must have gone through your browser history, Or your gallery, Or even worse, your notes. you always wrote random thoughts and most of them...weren't the most sfw. "You heard me. I saw everything. I didn't know i had such a fan." He chuckles. Now hovering over you. You don't know how to respond, You've always dreamed of this day, but now that it's here you are terrified. "What do you want with me?"

"Oh i just wanted to meet my little fan girl~" He leans in dangerously close to your face. " And my, my, Aren't you so lovely."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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